Topic outline

  • Digital Media and Design overview

    Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research 9239 (for examination from 2023)
    Presentation (30 marks)

  • Now that you have read the assessment criteria, you may want to practise marking the presentations. Watch each candidate's presentation, making a note of the strengths and weaknesses and give a mark, before you read the moderator comments and marks below.

    Please note: Information about the candidates and centres have been removed from the presentations to protect the identity of the candidates.

    • Example Candidate Response - high

      Presentation title: Global debt crisis

    • Examiner commentary on the presentation
    • Example Candidate Response - middle

      Presentation title: We should ethically dispose of our food waste.
    • Examiner commentary on the presentation 

      Click here for examiner comments and mark awarded

    • Example Candidate Response - low

      Presentation title: To what extent is deforestation effecting Florida from the economic perspective?
    • Examiner commentary on the presentation

      Click here for examiner comments and mark awarded

    • Common mistakes and guidance


      • Candidates are still naming and analysing their team members’ solutions, which was a requirement from the previous syllabus.
      • There is a lack of evaluation and synthesis of sources. Candidates need to show how and why the sources they use are valid. They should then take it a step further by comparing or contrasting two sources that talk about the same thing to back up their argument.
      • Some candidates struggle to demonstrate an awareness of audience; this limits them to lower marks for criterion AO3c. Most candidates greet the audience but go no further to include them in the presentation. Many candidates use an essay style format to deliver the ideas, rather than engaging in a first-person communication that connects with the audience. To be awarded more than one mark for this criterion, candidates need to use language to draw the audience in. An easy way to achieve this is interacting with the data on visual aids, or discussing specific information on graphs, tables, photographs etc, to support an argument, and saying things such as, ‘let us look at’ or ‘as you can see here’, to engage the audience with the research and findings.