1.4 Using past papers

60 minutes

Next week, we are going to look in more detail at how IGCSE Geography is marked. In this lesson we will look at how you can use past papers when preparing your students for assessment. 

There are a limited number of materials available, but they can be valuable resources to both teachers and students. 

You will find past papers on the Cambridge School Support Hub. In this lesson we are going to share our experience and ideas on how to make best use of past papers.

  Think about your experiences and make some notes

Make some notes on the following questions:

  • Have you used past papers before?
    • What activities worked well? Why were they effective?
    • What activities did not work well? Why were they less effective?
    • What activities have your colleagues in your school used?
    • What other ideas for activities do you have?

  Share your experiences and ideas

  1. Post your experiences and ideas to the Week 1 class discussion.

  2. Read through your colleagues’ ideas to find ones that you would like to try with your class.
    • Is there anything that is unclear? – Ask them.
    • Do you have any suggestions or advice? – Tell them.


If you have any questions or observations about any of the information in this lesson, please come and share them in the Week 1 class discussion.