This video is a submission for more than one candidate. In this syllabus the option within Submit for Assessment to tag multiple candidates against one piece of evidence is useful to centres. Two or three candidates may be filmed at the same time performing the same skills to reduce filming length if needed and if appropriate to their skill level. The moderator comments for this video refer to the performance of one candidate only. However, scaling may have been applied to the centre as a whole when taking the performance of all candidates into account.

The candidate is identified in the moderator commentary displayed in the video below: white shirt nearest camera and red shirt nearest camera.

This candidate would be placed in the high Level 5 range.

When placing the candidate in Level 5, consider the technique, accuracy and consistency in performing the skills to a very good level in conditioned rallies/games and in competitive games.

Remember to check the assessment conditions for this level have been met.

show/hide  Tennis Moderator Comments
A. The centre has uploaded a film of the candidate playing a match. These are a series of clips taken from a game. The centre can use this to demonstrate the range of the skills listed in the Coursework Guidelines Booklet. His tactical play when serving and when receiving a range of serves can be seen. 
B. Unfortunately, his second serve and tactical play when he is under pressure cannot be seen. The opponent starts strong but appears to tire towards the end of the clip. At this point the stretch and challenge placed on the candidate is low. As the candidate is performing his skills against an opponent, this allows him access to a Level 4 and above. 
C. The candidate is quick around the court, can pre-empt where the opponent's next shot will be played and after playing the return moves quickly into position ready for the next action. He is able to attack the opponent's serve to create a position from which he can win the point. Similarly, he can do the same on his own serve. He is very comfortable playing from the base line and playing wide cross court ground strokes to move his opponent out of position so that he can play a winning shot. 
D. He confident to move into the net to volley the ball deep to the back of the court to win the point. The evidence has been edited, but it does suggest that the candidate has a very good level of technique, accuracy and consistency in a competitive game situation. 
E. The candidate is seen on two different playing surfaces. The very good level of technique, accuracy and consistency places him towards the top of Level 5. To move to the next level, the match evidence needed to be against stronger opposition. In this situation, a continuous section of play would be beneficial.

Some issues seen with Tennis from some centres:

  • The candidate is filmed through netting which impedes the moderator’s view. 
  • The film is very narrow and small making it difficult to see the candidate’s action and the outcome of their performed skill.
  • The whole court is not seen as the camera only focuses on the candidate’s action and not the outcome of the action.
  • The candidate is only filmed receiving serves in a game situation. Candidates should also be filmed serving in a game situation.
  • Hand-fed balls represent a low level of challenge. Candidates wishing to access the higher levels must demonstrate their skills in conditioned games or rallies where time and space can be restricted. The candidate is then seen performing their strokes under pressure.
  • The evidence submitted is only from a match, which does not show all the skills required. The centre should supplement the match footage with conditioned drills to incorporate missing skills.
Last modified: Monday, 25 March 2024, 9:41 AM