This video is a submission for one candidate and is filmed in such a way as Cambridge would expect a centre to submit their candidate evidence.

This candidate would be placed in the mid-high Level 5 range.

When placing a candidate in Level 5, consider both the time achieved and the technique and consistency of performing skills at a very good level.

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A. The correct start instructions are given, and her technique can be clearly seen. The camera tracks her through the water and her technique can be seen at all times. 
B. The stopwatch is seen to stop as the candidate touches the wall. The stopwatch is in the top left-hand side of the film and does not obstruct the candidate’s performance. 
C. Additional footage of the candidate’s starts and turns are seen, which allows her technique to be assessed. 
D. The candidate performs the turns with no loss of speed as they are aware from the pool markings where they are in relation to the wall and when to turn. It is important that any additional footage of the event is performed at ‘race’ speed. 
E. The correct start instructions are given and her technique can be clearly seen. The camera tracks her through the water and her technique can be seen at all times. 
F. The stopwatch is seen to stop briefly as the candidate touches the wall. The stopwatch is in the top left hand side of the film and does not obstruct the view of the candidate’s technique. 
G. Additional footage of the candidate’s starts and turns are seen. The candidate performs the turns with no loss of speed as they are aware from the pool markings where they are in relation to the wall and when to turn. 
H. The candidate’s times and activity specific skills would place this candidate in Level 5.

Some issues seen with Competitive Swimming from some centres:

  • The stopwatch obscures the candidate.
  • The activity is filmed from one end of the pool and the technique for starts and turns cannot be seen.
  • A mark of 40 for time assessment seems to result in full marks being given for technique at some centres without separate consideration of technique marks. The movements should be near flawless and faultless for full technique marks to be awarded.
  • Times are incorrectly converted into marks using the performance table.
  • Incorrect start instructions are given. This holds the candidate in the start position for too long which may affect their ability to produce an explosive start.
  • A long course is used and the centre does not include separate evidence of turns.

Last modified: Monday, 18 March 2024, 12:51 PM