Topic outline

  • Digital Media and Design overview

    Component 2
    Assignment 1
  • 1   Food market

    Design a component for a multi-platform advertising campaign for a food market.

    Choose one of the following concepts to develop:
    • an app for navigating the market
    • a photo portrait of the stalls and stall holders
    • a video drama based on the market
    • an animation describing the market.
    Your ideas should show an understanding of the brief, an audience and research into the concept selected. You should present your research and development of ideas and the outcome or working prototype.
  • Final outcome

  • Supporting studies

  • Examiner comments

    The candidate has responded to the assignment, Food market, in developing the concept of an app for navigating the market. This demonstrates a confident focus on the brief. 

    The work contains first hand research in the form of photography, and secondary research taken from the internet in the form of pictograms and other photographers' images. The work also contains text describing the candidate's ideas and some of their visual discoveries. 

    From the outset, the candidate uses examples of apps to inform their ideas. Black and white, and colour photographs are used to explore the space, texture, atmosphere, and movement of the market. Some strong colour photography provides a convincing record of the colour and surfaces of some the produce. 

    The work includes a short case study which is consistent with a confident observation of relevant insights. Following a clear indication of the candidate's intentions and the candidate's research, the work presents initial designs for the app including colour ways, icons, and screen layouts. The candidate's creative decisions are the result of an application of their critical understanding, as seen in the Web Site and Home Page slides. 

    The candidate provides a display of each of the proposed screens for the app. 

    This work demonstrates a confident realisation of intentions and a highly effective connection between design elements.

    Total mark awarded = 76 out of 100

  • Common errors and general guidance for candidates

    • Candidates are reminded that where they include images in their work, the aspect ratio should be preserved. This is not only demonstrates a command of the media but supports the design of the page. Candidates are required to demonstrate a connection between digital and design elements.
    • Whilst researching and developing ideas, candidates should attribute their sources and clearly indicate which is their own work and which is the work of others. This will help candidates to demonstrate a critical reflection of their work, and the foundation of a focused investigation.
    • Where candidates choose the concept of video, higher marks in AO2 and AO3 would be attracted by evidence of planning preparation, or production of a story board. Other techniques and processes associated with Moving Image are described in the syllabus. Candidates are encouraged to select the most appropriate skill or technique for their work.
    • Where candidates took a food campaigning approach to the assignment, they should avoid placing more emphasis on the message of their campaign than the visual language used to communicate it.