Topic outline

  • Cambridge IGCSE™ Urdu as a Second Language 0539 (for examination from 2022)
    Example Candidate Responses (Speaking)
    • Introduction

    • The main aim of this resource is to exemplify standards of Cambridge IGCSE Urdu as a Second Language, Speaking test, and show how different levels of candidates' performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject's curriculum and assessment objectives. 

      Candidate responses have been selected from the June 2022 examination series to exemplify a range of answers. The recordings have been anonymised so that any information about the candidate, examiner and centre have been removed.

      The recording of each speaking test is followed by a transcript with embedded moderator comments on how the test was conducted, and where and why marks were awarded or omitted. At the end of the test we provide further comments on how the teacher/examiner and candidate performance could improve. In this way, it is possible to understand how to conduct the test successfully and what candidates have to do to gain their marks and what they can do to improve their answers. 

      Common mistakes and misconceptions are also listed at the end of this resource.  

    • Speaking assessment criteria grids

    • Now that you have read the speaking assessment criteria grids, you may want to practise marking a speaking test. Listen to the candidate responses below, make a note of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and give a mark, before you read the moderator comments embedded in the transcript and listed below.

      Please note: Information about the candidate and centre has been removed from the recordings to protect the identity of the candidate.

    • High level response

      • Whole test - click to listen

      show/hide  Transcript and commentary

      Part 1 Presentation

      Teacher/examiner: ا لسلام و علیکم .... کیا حال ہے .

      [Moderator comment: Clear and concise introduction exam details and candidate details are given. Creates a very welcoming atmosphere to make the candidate feel at ease, a good start greeting candidate.]

      Candidate:میں ٹھیک ہوں

      [Moderator comment: An appropriate reply.]

      Teacher/examiner:تیا ر ہیں امتحان کے لیے۔ہم شروع کر سکتے ہیں؟ اچھا ہانیہ آپ

      [Moderator comment: An excellent start checking with the candidate if she is ready to start the test.]

      Candidate: جی۔

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کو بتا دوں کہ آپ کے امتحان کے تین حصے ہونگے۔ پہلے حصے میں اردو بولنے والے معاشرے اچھا آپ کا امتحان شروع کرنے سے پہلےمیں کے بارے میں خاص معلوما ت دیں گی۔دوسرے حصے میں ہم آپ کی دی ہوئی معلومات پر گفتگو کریں گے۔تیسرے حصے کے لیے آپ کی پسند کے کسی بھی موضوع پر ہم گفتگو کریں گے۔

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner explains the format of the test, all three steps are outlined, which could be helpful.]

      جی تو بتائیے آج ا ردو بولنے والے معاشرے کے بارے میں کیا خاص بتانے والی ہیں ؟

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner asks the candidate to introduce the topic of her presentation.]

      Candidate: مہمان نوازی کے بارے می

      [Moderator comment: The candidate introduces topic ‘hosting people’.]

      Teacher/examiner: اردو بولنے والے لوگوں کے لیے ؟ جی ۔ بتائیے کیسے مہمان نوازی آپ ثابت کریں گی

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner asks the candidate to start her presentation.]

      Candidate: افراد سے مل کر ایک خاندان بنتا ہے اور خاندان مل کر ایک معاشرہ بناتے ہیں۔ ہر معاشرے کی کچھ نہ کچھ خصوصیات ہوتی ہیں جیسےکہ ثقافت ، رہن سہن ، اور رسم و رواج وغیرہ جو اس معاشرے کی رنگینیوں کی عکاسی کرتی ہیں۔ہمارا اردو بولنے والا معاشرہ بہت ہی خو بصورت رسم و رواج کے ساتھ جڑا ہوا ہے۔ اس معاشرے کے لوگ بہت ہی با اخلاق اور با کردار ہوتے ہیں ۔ یہ لوگ بڑوں سے عزت اور چھوٹوں سے شفقت سے پیش آتے ہیں۔ مہمان نوازی اس معاشرے کی ایک اہم خوبی ہے ۔ یہ لوگ بڑوں سے عزت اور چھوٹو ں سے شفقت سے پیش آتے ہیں ۔ مہمان نوازی اس معا شرے کی ایک اہم خوبی ہے۔ یہ لوگ مہمانوں کو اپنے لیےایک رحمت سمجھتے ہیں کیونکہ جس بھی گھر میں مہمانوں کو کھانا کھلایا جاتا ہے اس گھرمیں نہ صرف برکتوں کا نزول ہوتا ہے بلکہ رزق میں بھی اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ یہ لوگ مہمانوں کو دل کی گہرائیوں سے خوش آمدید کہتے ہیں اور ان سے خوش اخلاقی سے بھی پیش آتے ہیں یہاں مہمانوں کو خوش رکھنے کی کوشش کی جاتی ہے۔ان کی پسند اور نا پسند کا بھی خیال رکھا جاتا ہے۔ یہاں مہمانوں کو ہر کام میں اوَلیت دی جاتی ہے اور ہر گھرانے کے اپنے کچھ خاص رسم و رواج ہوتے ہیں ۔ جدھر وہ مہمانوں کو خاندانی اور نئے پکوانوں کے ساتھ ساتھ پُر تکلف ضیافت کا اہتمام کرتے ہیں ۔مہمانوں کو نہ صرف کھانوں سے لُطف اندوز کیا جاتا ہےبلکہ رخصت کرتے وقت بے شما ر تحائف اور دروازے تک کا ساتھ بھی دیا جاتا ہے۔اور اس معاشرے کے لوگ مہمانوں کو پُر مسرت دیکھ کر بہت خوش ہوتے ہیں کیونکہ مہمانوں کی خوشی ان کی خوشی جیسی ہوتی ہے۔ اور یہ لوگ مہمانوں کے ساتھ اچھا وقت گزارنے کی بھی کوشش کرتے ہیں تاکہ وہ مہمانوں کے ساتھ اچھی یادیں سمیٹ سکیں اور یہ ساری باتیں ظاہر کرتی ہیں کہ یہ لوگ کتنی اچھی اخلاقی اقدا ر کے مالک ہوتے ہیں۔اور یہ ساری باتیں ظاہر کرتی ہیں کہ یہ لوگ مہمانوں کو کتنی اہمیت اور عزت دیتے ہیں اور یہ مہمانوں کے سکونِ قلب اور راحت کا ذریعہ بنتا ہے ۔

      [Moderator comment: An engaging presentation that sustains interest fully. An explicit and detailed account of hosting people; ideas well sequenced and linked. Communicates a range of factual information ideas and opinions. Uses a wide range of precise vocabulary, generally accurately, to a high standard. Pronunciation and intonation are clear. Uses a variety of complex structures generally accurately and fluently. Employs and controls a variety of grammatical structure. Almost error free language used throughout presentation.]

      Part 2 Discussion

      Teacher/ examiner: ٹھیک ہے بہت جامع معلومات دیں آپ نے اردو بولنے والے معاشرے میں مہمان نوازی کے بارے میں۔آپ ان میں سے کون کون سی بات پر عمل کرتی ہیں ؟ اس معیار پر پورا اترنے کے لیے یعنی جب آپ کے گھر مہمان آتے ہیں تو آپ کس طرح تیاری کرتی ہیں ؟

      [Moderator comment: A very long opening question, it is a twofold question. The teacher/examiner could ask just the last part of the question or split it into two separate questions.]

      Candidate:ہم اس طرح تیاری کرتے ہیں، میں اپنے والدین کی پوری مدد کرتی ہوں اور خاطر تواضع میں بھی مدد کرتی ہوں اگر ماں باپ کی مدد کرسکتی ہوں توکرتی ہوں۔ اگر مہمان کو کسی بھی چیز کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے وہ فرا ہم کرتی ہوں ان کو، اور اگر میرے امی ابو کی مدد کرتی ہوں دستر خوان بچھانے میں بھی۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate handles the first part of the question well, good comprehension. Shows sustained ability to initiate and maintain conversation at some length.]

      Teacher/examiner: اگر مہمان آتے ہیں تو آپ کون کون سی چیزوں کا خاص خیال رکھتی ہیں ؟ صرف دستر خوان بچھانے میں اس کو پکانے کے لیے ،گھر کی صفائی میں، کون کون سی ذمے داری ہوتی ہے؟ ہانیہ کی کون کون سی ذمے داری ہوتی ہے؟

      [Moderator comment: Another long question. An alternative question would have been better to elicit different information; the candidate has already given information related to this question in their previous response. This means that in order to answer the question, the candidate must engage in repetition; it would have been helpful for the teacher to adapt her question to enable development.]

      Candidate: یری امی مجھے ہمیشہ یہی کام دیتی ہیں، کہ گھر کی صفائی کر لو ،یا اگر مہمان کچھ مانگ لے تو ان کو فراہم کرو اور دستر خوا ن بچھانے میں ۔کھانا ہمیشہ میری بڑی بہن ہی بناتی ہے میری امی کے ساتھ ۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate has no choice but to repeat her response.]

      Teacher/examiner:تو اس سے آپ بچ گئی ہیں ۔ ٹھیک ہے، جیسے آپ نے کہا ،کہ ہم تحفے تحائف دیتے ہیں اور ہم مہمانوں کا خیال بھی رکھتے ہیں اور جب وہ جا رہے ہوتے ہیں تو ان کو دروازے تک چھو ڑنے ضرور جاتے ہیں ۔کیا فرق پڑتا ہے اس طریقے سے مہمانوں کی خاطر کرنے سے؟

      [Moderator comment: This is a good question which is seeking opinion and ideas.]

      Candidate: یہ ان پہ ایک اچھا اثر ڈالتا ہے کہ ان کو احساس ہوتا ہے کہ ہم ان کو خوش آمدید کرنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں ان کو برا نہیں لگتا ،ان کو پر مسرت لگتا ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate responds thoughtfully and copes reasonably well with unexpected question. Pronunciation and intonation are clear.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کو کیسے لگتا ہے جب آپ کسی کے گھر جا رہے ہوتے ہیں تو کیا آپ کی بھی مہمان نوازی اسی طرح مہمان نوازی کی جائے؟

      [Moderator comment: A good question and the teacher/examiner shifts the focus of the conversation from hosting other people to being the guest and their expectations. This shapes the direction of the conversation.]

      Candidate ہر گھرانے کے اپنے مختلف رسم و رواج ہوتے ہیں تو پھر ہم یہ با لکل نہیں سوچتے کہ ہماری بھی اسی طریقے سے کی جائے جیسے ہم ان کی خاطر داری کرتے ہیں ۔ ہم بس اس طرح خاطر داری کرتے ہیں جیسے ہمارے بزرگوں نے اور ہمارے امی ابو نے ہمیں سکھائی ہوتی ہے۔ ہر گھرانے کے اپنے ا لگ رسم و رواج ہوتے ہیں تو وہ لوگ ہماری خاطر داری اس طرح کرتے ہیں جیسے ا ن کو سکھائی گئی ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: Responses are natural and spontaneous even to unexpected questions. The candidate uses a wide range of precise vocabulary. The candidate uses a variety of complex structures.]

      Teacher/examiner: کہ وہ بھی ہمارے جیسا ہی کریں۔ تو مطلب کہ خود کرنا ہے لیکن امید نہیں رکھنی

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner paraphrases the question before seeking new information.]

      Candidate: امید نہیں رکھنی کہ ہمارے ساتھ ا یسا ہی ہو۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate confirms her ideas. The candidate listens to and responds appropriately to the contributions of another question.]

      Teacher/examiner: بالکل بہت صحیح سوچ ہے اور اس چیز کا خیال رکھنا بھی چاہیئے کہ جو ہم کر رہے ہیں ضروری نہیں کہ ایسا ہی ہو لیکن وہ ہمیں صرف غلط فہمی ہے۔ اچھا اور کیا کرتی ہیں آپ جب آپ کے گھر پہ مہمان آتے ہیں ؟ ان کے لیے آپ کھانے وانے بناتی ہیں ۔ رشتے دار زیادہ دن رہنے کے لیے جب آتے ہیں تو ان کو آپ باہر گھمانے پھرانے کے لیے لے کر باہر جا رہے ہوتے ہیں ؟ کیا ایسی تیاری کرتے ہیں ؟

      [Moderator comment: There is a large amount of paraphrasing before the teacher/examiner asks a new question.]

      Candidate: جی ہا ں ہم اکثر اگر کوئی باہر ممالک سے آ تے ہیں تو پھر ہم ان کو جہا ں جاتے ہیں اپنے ساتھ لے جاتے ہیں اور ا ن کو نئی نئی جگہیں دکھانے کی بھی کوشش کرتے ہیں تاکہ ا ن کو اچھا لگے اور مزہ آئے ، اچھی طرح لطف اندوز ہوں کہ ان کو یہا ں آکر مزہ آئے۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate responds relevantly and at length to questions. The candidate uses double sentences by using linking words such as ‘and’, ‘so that’ etc. The candidate employs suitable pronunciation and stress patterns.]

      Teacher/examiner: یعنی کہ ہم صرف کھانے پینے کے علا وہ اس سے آگے بھی بہت کچھ کرتے ہیں۔

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner uses paraphrasing.]

      Candidate: سیر کرانے کی پوری کوشش کرتے ہیں اچھی طرح کہ ان کو مزہ آئے۔

      [Moderator comment: This response is short and precise.]

      Part 3 Conversation

      Teacher/examiner: ہوں ٹھیک ہے ۔ اچھا امتحان کے تیسرے حصے کے لیے ہم کس موضوع پر بات کریں گے؟

      [Moderator comment: There is a misunderstanding here on the part of the teacher/examiner. The candidate should not have the choice of selecting the topic. The teacher/examiner should select a specific topic from a broader topic area from A–B.]

      Candidate: صحت و تندرستی

      [Moderator comment: The candidate chooses a topic.]

      Teacher/examiner: صحت و تندرستی ۔۔۔۔ عام طور پر بچے جس کا خیال نہیں رکھتے ؟

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner comments on the topic choice- health and wellbeing.]

      Candidate: لیکن آج کل کے دور میں زیادہ سے زیادہ ضروری ہے کہ آپ اپنے کو ا و ر زیا د ہ تندرست رکھیں ۔ کو شش کریں ۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate responds well to this comment and copes reasonably well using a mixture of complex and simple sentences.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ رکھتی ہیں اپنی صحت کا خیال ؟

      [Moderator comment: A closed question.]

      Candidate: کوشش پوری کرتی ہوں ۔

      [Moderator comment: This is a good response to a closed question.]

      Teacher/examiner: کیا کرتی ہیں ؟ کیا ایک روز مرہ کے کاموں سے ہٹ کر کیا کرتی ہیں ؟

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner asks a good question to elicit further information and check knowledge.]

      Candidate: سب سے پہلے تو مجھے صبح کی سیر کرنا بہت پسند ہے تو پھرمیں ہر دن کوشش کرتی ہوں میں کم از کم ایک گھنٹہ باہر جا کر ورزش کیا کروں اور سیر بھی کیا کروں ۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate responds satisfactorily to this question by using relevant vocabulary.]

      Teacher/examiner: ہوں ہوں

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner prompts further response.]

      Candidate: اس طرح صحت مند رہتی ہوں میں ا ور کوشش کرتی ہوں کہ باہر کے کھانے کم سے کم کھاؤں ۔ باہر کے تلے ہوئے کھانے خاص طور پر بالکل نہ کھاؤں۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate makes an effort, responding reasonably well by reasoning.]

      Teacher/examiner: بالکل نہ کھاؤں ۔

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner paraphrases the question to stretch the response.]

      Candidate: جی ا و ر غذ ائیت سے بھرپور کھانے کی کوشش کرتی ہوں کھانے میں۔

      [Moderator comment: A natural response using precise vocabulary about diet.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کو ۔۔۔اپنی صحت کے علاوہ دوسروں کی صحت کے لیے کیا کرتی ہیں ؟ 

      [Moderator comment: This is quite an unexpected and difficult question.]

      Candidate:۔ جیسے میں کبھی دیکھتی ہوں کہ اچھے کھانے کس طرح بناتے ہیں اکثر میں اپنی بہن کے لیے بھی تو اپنی بہن کے لیے بھی کوشش کرتی ہوں اور اپنی بہن سے بھی ساتھ کہتی ہوں کہ وہ میرے ساتھ باہر جا کر کھیلے کچھ چیز کھیلنے کی وغیرہ کیونکہ اس سے کافی اچھی ورزش صحیح سے ہو جاتی ہے باہر ۔

      [Moderator comment: The response is natural and meaningful even to a difficult question. The candidate conveys information, articulates experience and expresses thoughts and opinions.]

      Teacher/examiner: اچھی بات ہے۔ دوسرے کس موضوع پر بات کرنا چاہتی ہیں ؟ ٹھیک ہے

      [Moderator comment: The candidate is given the choice of topic here, when it should be the examiner who takes the lead in selecting the topic.]

      Candidate: مستقبل کے پیشے

      [Moderator comment: This selection meets the syllabus requirement as future plans are from topic areas C–E.]

      Teacher/examiner: مستقبل کے پیشے۔ پہلے تو میں آپ کے پچھلے موضوع سے بات کو آگے لے کر چلتے ہیں کہ کیا آپ جب اپنے مستقبل کے بارے میں سوچتی ہیں تو اس کو لے کر صحت کے لیے کن کن باتوں کا خیال رکھا جاتا ہے؟

      [Moderator comment: Despite starting a new topic, the teacher/examiner goes back and asks a question about the previous topic. This can cause confusion.]

      Candidate: اس کو صحت کے لیے ؟ جیسے مجھے ہمیشہ سے شوق ہے ماہر ا طفال بننا ہے اور اگر بچوں کو سمجھا نے کے لیے کہ اچھی صحت مند زندگی رکھنی چاہیے ۔ تو مجھے خود بھی صحت مند زندگی رکھنی چاہئیے تاکہ میں خود بھی اپنے تجربے سے بتا سکوں کہ کیسے صحت مند رہنا چاہئیے

      [Moderator comment: Shows sustained ability to continue the conversation to a reasonable length, uses good and relevant precise language and structure.]

      Teacher/examiner: تاکہ دوسرے بچوں کو بتا ئیں کہ آپ بیما ر کیوں ہو رہے ہیں ۔کیوں یہ پیشہ چننے کے لیے آپ نے سوچا کہ مجھے اس پیشے کی طرف جانا ہے؟

      [Moderator comment: A good searching question to elicit explanation.]

      Candidate: مجھے ماہر اطفال میرے نظریعے کے مطابق مجھے ماہر اطفال بننا ہے کیونکہ یہ مجھے بہت ہی اچھا پیشہ لگتا ہے کیونکہ اس کے اندر ہم خدمت خلق کر سکتے ہیں۔ معاشرے کو واقفیت دے سکتے ہیں اور بچوں کی مدد کر سکتے ہیں اور لوگوں کے دکھ میں مدد کر سکتے ہیں۔

      [Moderator comment: An excellent spontaneous response. Appropriate use of specific vocabulary and syntax.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کو پتہ ہے نا کہ کہا جاتا ہےکہ یہ سب سے مشکل کام ہے ۔

      [Moderator comment: This is a closed question.]

      Candidate: جی۔

      [Moderator comment: A one word response.]

      Teacher/examiner: کیونکہ بچے تو بتا بھی نہیں سکتے کہ ان کے سا تھ ہو کیا رہا ہے۔ جو بھی کرنا ہے آپ نے خود ہی کرنا ہے پھر بھی گھبراتی نہیں ہیں ؟ تو

      [Moderator comment: This is a good searching question.]

      Candidate: کہ میں نے ہدف پورا کرنا ہے اور گھبرانے کی مجھے کوئی بات تو نہیں لگتی کیونکہ میری یہ صرف کوشش ہے کہ مجھے ماہر اطفال بننا ہے ۔ مشکل تو ہے پوری کوشش کروں گی۔ ہار نہیں ماننی کیونکہ مجھے بچپن سے ہی یہ شوق ہے

      [Moderator comment: The candidate responds reasonably well to question asked. Uses complex sentence structures and accurate vocabulary, idiom and syntax.]

      Teacher/examiner: کہ کرنا ہی ہے ؟

      [Moderator comment: A brief paraphrasing of the question.]

      Candidate: ا پنا خواب پورا کرنے کی ۔

      [Moderator comment: A short but interesting response. The candidate uses an idiom.]

      Teacher/examiner: ا نشا ء اللہ خواب ضرور پورا کریں گی۔ کیا تیاری کر رہی ہیں آپ ابھی سے اپنے اس مستقبل کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے ؟

      [Moderator comment: A good question focused on future planning, designed to seek relevant information.]

      Candidate: ایک ڈاکٹر بننے کے لیے جیسا کہ بہت ہی شاندار پڑھائی ہونی چاہئیے ہمارے آجکل پڑھائی کا معیار ہی بہت بلند ہو چکا ہے تو پھر میں پوری کوشش کرتی ہوں کہ محنت کروں اور اپنے سارے وقت میں بھی جتنی معلومات ایسے حاصل کر پاؤں تو اپنا وقت ضائع نہیں کرتی۔پڑھائی میں پوری توجہ دیتی ہوں اور بس کوشش کرتی ہوں کہ محنت کروں پوری آخر تک ۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate understands the discussion of higher concepts and responds well even with more complex questions. The candidate takes control of the conversation; a fluent style no hesitation.]

      Teacher/examiner: ٹھیک ہے آپ نے اور کچھ سوچا ہےکہ مجھے کس ادارے میں پڑھنا ہے کیا کرنا ہے؟

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner asks a challenging question at IGCSE level.]

      Candidate: اپنی ۔ ابھی تک وہ نہیں سوچا لیکن ابھی بس میں پڑھائی پر پوری توجہ دے رہی ہوں

      [Moderator comment: A satisfactory response and all three tenses have been covered during the test.]

      Teacher/examiner: انشاء اللہ وہ بھی ہو جائے گا۔اس میں وقت ہے کافی ۔

      [Moderator comment: The conversation is drawing to a close so responses are getting shorter.]

      Candidate: ی ہا ں اس میں ابھی کافی وقت ہے۔ ج

      [Moderator comment: The candidate paraphrases and agrees with teacher’s opinion.]

      Teacher/examiner: وہ بھی ہو جائے گا انشاء اللہ اور آپ ایک اچھی سی ماہر اطفال بھی بنیں گی ضرور انشاء اللہ ۔

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner brings the conversation to a close in a nice gentle manner.]

      Candidate: انشاء اللہ ۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate agrees again.]


      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner announces the end of the test which is a good practice.]

    • Moderator comments - Part 1 Presentation 

      Conduct of the test

      The candidate is required to select a topic prior to the examination and give an outline of this topic for 2–3 minutes on the day of the examination. The selected topic should relate to an Urdu speaking society or culture. The speaking test was conducted well, particularly Part 1. The teacher/examiner introduces the candidate and announces all the details about the candidate and centre, for example name and number, on the recording. (Please note: this part of the test has been removed from the recording to ensure anonymity).

      The test is administered well and the audio is clear and loud enough to be heard.

      The teacher/examiner explains the format of the test which is very helpful for the candidate. This particular examiner has excellent skills and makes the candidate feel at ease. Timing limits were adhered to for the presentation.

      The teacher/examiner checks with the candidate if she is ready for her test to start, and then invites the candidate to introduce her topic. This is a warm and welcoming approach.

      The topic selected by the candidate for their presentation relates to the target-language and culture and reflects an aspect of life in a community where the target language is spoken.

      The timing for this section is in accordance with the syllabus requirement.

      This teacher/examiner shows an understanding of the common approach to conducting the speaking test, application of assessment criteria and syllabus guidelines for the Introduction and Part 1.

      This section of the test is conducted well. It lasts for almost three minutes and the teacher/examiner adheres to the timing requirements.

      Candidate response

      The candidate’s response is a full and well-organised coverage of the topic. It is an interesting topic and full of information and the candidate provides a detailed account. It is evident that the candidate has prepared her presentation well. She presents in a fluent style, using a wide range of precise and accurate vocabulary. The candidate successfully communicates sophisticated ideas and information. Pronunciation and intonation are clear.

      The candidate uses a variety of complex structures and generally accurately.

      There is no hesitation or pauses; an excellent performance.

      Mark awarded for Content and presentation = 9 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 10 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 19 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Part 2 Topic conversation

      Conduct of the test

      This part of test is linked to Part 1; the conversation is based on the information provided by the candidate in her/his presentation.

      All the general requirements of conducting and administering this part of the test are adhered to. The timing is almost three minutes which meets syllabus requirements.

      However, some of the questions are very long due to the fact the teacher/examiner paraphrases the candidate’s answers at the start of most questions. This approach may not work for every candidate and can be particularly confusing for candidates with middle or low performance. In order to ensure that the questions are accessible to all candidates, opening questions should be short and clear, with the aim of eliciting specific information from the candidate. The teacher/examiner’s contribution must be kept to minimum.

      Some questions were good, whereas others asked for information that the candidate had already provided, therefore repetition occurs. The teacher/examiner could ask one or two different questions for example, ‘Are there any different customs regarding hosting in different parts of your country?’, etc. On the whole the conversation flow is natural and this part of the test is acceptable.

      Candidate response

      The candidate has no problem with comprehension; responses are natural and spontaneous even to unexpected questions. The candidate is able to present and defend a point of view. This candidate shows a sustained ability to maintain conversation and contribute at reasonable length.

      The candidate’s pronunciation and intonation are clear and very good.

      The candidate uses a wide range of precise and accurate vocabulary. Ideas and information are successfully communicated.

      The candidate uses a variety of complex structures and high standard phrases to convey their message.

      Responses or information are repeated on one or two occasions. However, it was not entirely the candidates’ fault, but was due to the nature of the questions asked.

      This candidate has the potential and ability to secure almost full marks, if the conversation had been directed in a slightly different manner.

      Mark awarded for Comprehension and responsiveness = 9 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 8 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 17 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Part 3 General conversation

      Conduct of the test

      The teacher/examiner lacks a full understanding of the requirements of this section. At the start of this section, the teacher/examiner asks the candidate to choose a topic. However, the correct approach would be for the teacher/examiner to decide and introduce the topic for Part 3 of the test; it should not be the candidate’s choice and the questions should be unexpected according to the guidelines given in the syllabus. Apart from this confusion at the start of this part, the conversation as a whole progresses very well and all four of the teacher’s questions are a reasonable length.

      At one point the candidate gives a response explaining that she tries not to eat food from outside of her home or fatty foods and chooses to eat nutritious food. The teacher/examiner’s next question is, ‘What do you do for others apart from your own health?’ Here, the teacher/examiner could ask one or two more questions about fatty foods to allow the candidate to elaborate or develop their response further, for example explaining why fatty foods are not good for our health. The teacher/examiner should ask searching or open ended questions where appropriate to bring out the candidate’s full potential. The teacher/examiner should cover both topics in depth.

      On the whole, the second topic is covered very well. The questions are pitched at the right level to stretch the candidate’s full potential. The teacher/examiner asks all of the relevant questions to get information, opinions and ideas. This conversation sustains the interest of a listener. However, the teacher/examiner asks the candidate to choose a second topic again for this part. This error is repeated due to a lack of clear understanding of the requirements of the test.

      Two different topics are covered for this section: health and wellbeing and future plans. Therefore, this meets the syllabus requirements. One topic is from the main topic areas A–B and the other topic from Areas C–E which is according to syllabus guidelines.

      Candidate response

      The candidate’s responses are natural and spontaneous to all questions. The candidate presents and defends her point of view very well. The candidate is well prepared for the test and shows an understanding and knowledge about the selected topics for this section.

      The candidate’s responses to most of the questions are excellent and fluent, without any hesitation or nervousness.

      The candidate uses an appropriate and wide range of vocabulary. They use complex and simple structures in a confident manner and responses were almost error free. It is difficult to ascertain if the candidate had prepared the topics prior to the examination or just decided to talk about them on the spur of the moment when asked and, therefore, whether their performance would be any different if the teacher/examiner had initiated the conversation on unexpected topics.

      Despite this, her command of language pronunciation and syntax is very good in general.

      Mark awarded for Comprehension and responsiveness = 9 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 8 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 17 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Whole test

      How the teacher/examiner could improve

      This teacher/examiner’s performance is good. She introduces the candidate; recordings were loud and clear. Most of the requirements of the examination are met. The teacher/examiner has excellent skills to create a warm environment for candidates, making them feel comfortable.

      The teacher/examiner’s performance could be improved by reading the syllabus requirements for Part 3 of the test to clarify understanding.

      The teacher/examiner can select topics for each candidate for this section and prepare some questions prior to the test. However, some questions may emerge naturally from candidates’ responses.

      The teacher/examiner’s questions should be open ended and concise so candidates can understand what is being asked.

      Paraphrasing is a good skill but is not necessary at the start of every question as it could make the question seem ambiguous or lost within a longer sentence. It may work well for higher ability candidates but not for middle or lower ability candidates.

      The teacher/examiner contributions during the test should be kept to a minimum and the candidate’s contribution should make up the majority of the speaking.

      How the candidate performance could improve

      This candidate performed really well during all three parts of the test. The presentation was very detailed and informative.

      However, their performance could be improved if the presentation had not been as detailed. This would have allowed the candidate to develop responses and explore points more deeply during discussion. In turn, the teacher/examiner could have asked more searching questions during Part 2 to explore the topic further.

      If the teacher/examiner’s questions had been more structured/targeted this would have been beneficial for the candidate’s performance.

    • Middle level response

      • Whole test - click to listen

      show/hide  Transcript and commentary

      Part 1 Presentation

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner has not said anything or given any centre/candidate details. She should have announced all details and then invited the candidate to start his presentation]

      Candidate: میرے روز کے معمول میں شامل ہے صبح جلدی اٹھنا۔صبح جلدی اٹھنے کے دیگرفایدے ہیں ان میں ایک ہےکہ رات میں جلدی نیند آ جاتی ہے۔ اور صبح اٹھنے کے بعدسات بجے کو اسکول کا تیار ہونا اور اسکول جانا میرے روز کے معمول  میں شامل ہے ۔اسکول آٹھ بجے تک پہنچ  میں جاتا ہوں۔ناشتے میں مجھے کچھ میٹھا کھانے کا شوق ہے۔ناشتے میں کچھ زیادہ پھیکا کھانا ا چھا نہیں لگتا۔ روزانہ کم از کم ایک یا پھر دو پھل کھانے کی بھی عادت اچھی ہے۔ اور میں وہ  وہ عادت کو فالو کرتا ہوں۔ہر روز ایک یا دو پھل کھانے سے اندرونی صحت اور پوری کی پوری صحت۔  ہے۔                                                                                اچھی ہوتی ہے۔اور چستائی ( چست) رہنا بھی ضروری ہے۔مجھے دوڑنا اچھا  لگتا

       جی۔دوڑنے  دوڑنےسے ، دوڑنے سے  موٹاپا کم ہوتا ہے مگر سانس لینا بھی زیادہ اچھا ہو جاتا ہے،سانس لینا زیادہ آسان ہو جاتا ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: Content and Presentation: The candidate covers the topic satisfactorily, and makes some attempt to give some factual information with simple ideas and opinions. He makes an effort to sequence and somewhat link ideas. However, the presentation is slow and stilted though interest is generally maintained. 

      Quality of language: Uses a satisfactory range of vocabulary, though hesitates when going beyond simple language. Errors occur when complex structures are attempted. Errors occasionally impede communication. Pronunciation and intonation sometimes lack clarity. Some errors made when using some precise vocabulary. The candidate is hesitant and there are a few pauses.]

      Part 2 Discussion

      Teacher/ examiner:  ا و کے۔اگر آپ نےجوہے  ا پنی  روز مرہ  کا  جومعمول ہمارے ساتھ شئیر کیا ہے ۔اس میں آپ نے ہمیں اسکول کی یہ روٹین بتائی ہے اس میں آپ نے ہمیں  یہ نہیں بتایا اسکول میں کچھ ایکٹیویٹیز میں  حصہ لیتے ہیں؟

      [Moderator comment: A long opening question, the last part of the question alone would have been sufficient. The first part of the question is confusing; the candidate has discussed their daily routine; however, the teacher/examiner responds as if they have discussed their school routine.]

      Candidate:  جی۔جی

      [Moderator comment: The candidate responds ‘Yes’- a very short answer.]

      Teacher/examiner:  مثلاً

      [Moderator comment: A very short question again, the teacher/examiner could have asked ‘Tell me more about these activities.’ to stretch and enable the candidate to reach his potential.]

      Candidate:  ایکٹویٹیز میں حصہ لینا اچھی بات ہے مثلاً کتاب کی پڑھائی،پینٹنگ۔

      [Moderator comment: This is a very short response given by the candidate, but the candidate did well considering the question itself was very brief.]

      Candidate: ۔۔ سپورٹس میں،فٹ بال یا کرکٹ جیسا پاکستان یا ا نڈیا میں کیا جاتا ہے۔اور باسکٹ بال۔۔۔باسکٹ بال

      [Moderator comment: The candidate hesitates, so there is repetition and delay in the response when going beyond simple language. Uses a simple structure accurately.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کس چیز میں اچھے ہو ؟

      [Moderator comment: A good question to elicit information and improves the conversation flow.]

      Candidate:  جی میں کرکٹ میں زیادہ اچھا ہوں کیونکہ کرکٹ میں مجھے بلے بازی کا ایک طرح کا شوق ہے۔ بازی مجھےاتنی پسند ترین نہیں ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate gives reasons why he likes and dislikes the game he plays and gives his opinion. However, the last sentence is little unclear due to pronunciation and intonation.]

      Teacher/examiner:  میں آپ کی  اپنی روٹین کے علاوہ  دوسروں کی کیسے مدد کرتے ہیں؟ گھر  

      [Moderator comment: A good question which allows deeper exploration of the topic.]

      Candidate:  گھر میں میں اپنی بہن کی پڑھائی میں مدد کرتا ہوں۔ میں کوشش کرتا ہوں کہ میں اس کی مدد کر سکوں اور اس کوکچھ سکھا سکوں۔

      [Moderator comment: A good response given, using adjoining words appropriately and a complex sentence structure. Satisfactory range of vocabulary is used.]

      Teacher/examiner: اس کے علاوہ آپ کا کھانے پینے کا لائف اسٹائل صحت مند ہے کہ نہیں ؟

      [Moderator comment: A good question about lifestyle.]

      Candidate: صحت ۔میں نے ورزش ہمیشہ ہوتی ہے۔میں ٹرا ئی کرتا ہوں کہ میں صحت مند رکھو ں ۔اس کے لیے میں ایک یا دو پھل کھانے کی عادت ڈالتا ہوں جیسے سیب کیلا سیب۔ 

      [Moderator comment: A good spontaneous response giving two to three pieces of information, a good range of vocabulary and only one English word used. There is a grammatical error in sentence structure.]

      Teacher/examiner: فاسٹ فوڈ کھانے کے بارے میں کیا رائے ہے؟

      [Moderator comment: A good question – a topic most young people would be familiar with.]

      Candidate: مجھے فاسٹ فوڈ کھانا   زیادہ اچھانہیں لگتا ہے کیونکہ صحت مند نہیں ہے اور اس میں کچھ زیادہ تیل ہوتا ہے۔اور مجھے تیل کھانے کا زیادہ شوق نہیں ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: A good natural and spontaneous response given to an unexpected question, demonstrating understanding of the topic. The teacher/examiner could have stayed on this topic and explored it further.]

      Teacher/examiner: صحت مند رہنے کے لیے کھانے کے علاوہ او ر کیا آپ کرتے ہیں؟ ورزش وغیرہ ؟

      [Moderator comment: A good question to help the candidate to talk about this topic freely.]

      Candidate: میرے روز کے معمول میں شامل ہے۔ ورزش

      [Moderator comment: A good response using appropriate vocabulary, albeit short.]

      Teacher/examiner: گھر میں یا جم میں؟ گھر یا جم ؟

      [Moderator comment: A very short, but good question.]

      Candidate:   گھر میں تو میں دوڑ نہیں کر سکتا۔میں کوشش کرتا ہوں کہ دن میں کم از کم ایک بار   باہر جا کر دوڑ سکوں۔  

      [Moderator comment: The candidate understands the concept of the question and gives an appropriate and natural answer. The candidate substantiates his response by giving reasons and uses good vocabulary.]

      Part 3 Conversation

      Teacher/examiner:  دوسرا آپ کا کیا ٹاپک ہے؟

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner invites the candidate to introduce his topic; this is incorrect, as the teacher/examiner should ask an unexpected question about an unknown topic.]

      Candidate: دوسرا میرا  ٹاپک ہے " دی ورلڈ آف ورک"  

      [Moderator comment: The candidate gives the title of a broad topic area.]

      Teacher/examiner:  او کے،اس میں آپ  کیا بولنا چاہیں گے۔

      [Moderator comment: The question asked is not a specific question about a subtopic; it does not help the candidate to give an appropriate response.]

      Candidate: کنٹی نیونگ ایجوکیشن ،کیرئیر ایمپلائنمنٹ اور فیوچر پلین۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate gives a list of subtopics in that topic area.]

      Teacher/examiner:  سو تو  بتائیں نا  پلیز؟

      [Moderator comment: This question is very unclear, indicating that the teacher has not prepared her questions in advance.]

      Candidate: میں ابھی گیارھویں سال میں ہوں۔انشاء ا للہ دو سال میں میرا سکول ختم ہو جائے گا ۔سکول کے بعد اے لیول اور اے ایس لیول کے امتحان ہی دونگا۔ اس دونوں امتحان کے بعد انشاء ا للہ میں  کوئی اچھی سی یونیورسٹی میں شامل ہو جاؤں گا۔مجھے طبی پڑھائی کرنا ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate shows a sustained ability to initiate conversation and to contribute at some length. The candidate uses a complex sentence structure and a wide range of vocabulary. Perhaps the candidate has prepared the topic prior to the examination.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کو اپنے ہی ملک میں پڑھائی مزید کرنی ہے؟

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner takes control of the discussion and asks an appropriate question related to future plans.]

      Candidate: جی،کیونکہ مجھے اپنے ہی ملک کی مدد کرنا ہے۔میرے ملک میں جو بد قسمت لوگ ہیں ان کی ہی مدد کرنا ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: A spontaneous and natural response. The candidate elaborates by giving opinions and ideas. The candidate accurately uses a wide range of precise vocabulary generally.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کیا  ڈاکٹر بننا چاہتے ہیں ؟

      [Moderator comment: This is another closed question which requires a yes or no answer, not giving the candidate the opportunity to demonstrate his skills.]

      Candidate:  جی۔

      [Moderator comment: A short response as expected due to the nature of the question.]

      Teacher/examiner: کون سے؟

      [Moderator comment: Not a very clear question, as it does not keep the conversation flowing.]

      Candidate: مجھے بچوں کا ڈاکٹر بننا ہے کیونکہ بچوں کو سب سے زیادہ مدد کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: A good response using complex sentences.]

      Teacher/examiner: ؟ آپ اپنے ملک میں ہی نوکری کریں گے

      [Moderator comment: A closed question which can only really be answered with one word answers; the teacher/examiner could have asked an alternative open question.]

      Candidate: جی میم ۔

      [Moderator comment: A short answer. The candidate could elaborate and give a reason for his response. It brought the conversation to a close naturally.]

      Teacher/examiner: شکریہ

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner closed the test appropriately by thanking the candidate.]

    • Moderator comments - Part 1 Presentation 

      Conduct of the test

      There are no introductory details given by the teacher/examiner at the start of the recording, such as centre and candidate information. The teacher/examiner should have included all of the details at the start of the test.

      The candidate is not asked to begin his presentation or briefed about the format of the test which is not good practice. This indicates that the teacher/examiner is not familiar with the guidelines on how to conduct oral examinations. Timing for the presentation was adequate.

      Candidate response

      The candidate’s response is short and stilted but includes some factual points with a few ideas and opinions. The candidate attempts to link ideas.

      The presentation is simple, but the listener’s interest is sustained.

      The candidate uses a limited range of vocabulary which conveys simple ideas and information clearly but lacks precision.

      The candidate hesitates and searches for words when going beyond simplicity.

      The candidate generally uses simple structures and errors occur when a complex structure is attempted.

      At times words or speech are inaudible. It appears that the candidate has not prepared his topic well.

      Mark awarded for Content and presentation = 6 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 7 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 13 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Part 2 Topic conversation

      Conduct of the test

      This section starts off with some difficulty. The teacher/examiner’s opening question is long and part of it is confusing.

      The teacher/examiner refers to the candidate discussing their school routine; however, the candidate has only given some details about their daily routine and not school. The teacher/examiner should ask alternative questions about the candidate’s daily routine.

      The subsequent two questions are extremely short which can be confusing for the candidate and hamper the development of their discussion/ideas, therefore limiting marks.

      There are eight questions in total for this part. Of these, three were problematic, but the remaining five questions are satisfactory. The conversation runs smoothly to the required length of time. However, the insufficient questions suggest a lack of preparation of the teacher/examiner.

      Candidate response

      The candidate starts off with short responses but makes a quick recovery and the conversation flows naturally.

      The candidate responds to questions thoughtfully and copes reasonably well with an unexpected question and changes in the direction of the conversation.

      The candidate responds relevantly, and at a length, to questions which are closed, short and ambiguous.

      The candidate uses a sufficient range of vocabulary which sometimes lacks precision.

      The candidate uses some complex structure by using adjoining words and some simple structures. The candidate performed slightly better here than their presentation.

      Mark awarded for Comprehension and responsiveness = 7 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 7 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 14 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Part 3 General conversation

      Conduct of the test

      The teacher/examiner does not announce when Part 3 begins, or that they will be asking questions on an unknown topic. This is an important element to signpost the candidate so that they are clear about the direction of the conversation and knows that he/she can move on from the previous topic.

      The teacher/examiner asks the candidate to choose a second topic for conversation. However, for Part 3 the candidate is not supposed to select a topic for this section. The topic should be chosen by the teacher/examiner and should be unexpected for the candidate. The teacher/examiner should have started this part of the examination by stating that Part 3 had begun and that they would be covering two topics. The teacher/examiner should start asking questions, for example ‘why do people prefer going out for a meal to eating at home?’, before exploring this area for about two minutes. The teacher/examiner should then move on to another topic with a new question, for example ‘why do people prefer using their own car instead of using public transport?’

      All five questions in this section are reasonable and prompts are used at one or two places. However, two or three more searching questions for each topic would have been beneficial to enable the candidate to develop their ideas and answers. Two of the topics covered in this part are from the same main topic area D The world of work, however the test requirement is that one topic should be covered from areas A–B and a second topic from areas C–E. The teacher/examiner should select the topic and lead the conversation for this part. Neither topic is covered for a sufficient length of time.

      At times, the sequence of questions is unhelpful. For example, at one stage the candidate indicates that he wants to study medicine. The teacher/examiner then moves the question on to where the candidate wants to study. After receiving a response, the teacher/examiner then goes back to the topic of medicine to ask why the candidate wants to study this; this question would have been better suited directly after the candidate had explained what they wanted to study. A more logical sequencing of questions would provide clarity and allow a natural development of the discussion, particularly for candidates scoring in the middle and low bands.

      The teacher/examiner should announce ‘end of test for this candidate’ to indicate that the test has come to an end. Without this, it felt like an abrupt ending.

      Candidate response

      The candidate’s responses are good and relevant.

      When the teacher/examiner asks the candidate to speak about his topic he seems unsure of what was happening in this section. He names his topic and then waits for the teacher to ask a question, so there was a gap. When prompted, he then begins speaking and says that he wants to study medicine. The teacher/examiner then asks whether he would like to study further in his home country, and the candidate responds very well to this question.

      Mark awarded for Comprehension and responsiveness = 7 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 7 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 14 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Whole test

      How the teacher/examiner performance could improve

      The teacher/examiner needed to read all relevant guidelines if unsure about aspects of conducting the test. It is vital for the teacher/examiner to prepare well before the test and understand the format and requirements fully, including what details and information is to be recorded.

      It is imperative that the teacher/examiner is clear about the requirements of each section of the examination, and their role within it, for example when they need to choose topics as opposed to allowing candidates to do so.

      The teacher/examiner should consider how to make candidates feel at ease during the test. One way of doing this is to ensure that they understand what is required from each section of the test themselves, and that they take the time to explain this to candidates at each stage. Furthermore, they should consider what kind of questions could be asked to help candidates perform to the best of their ability.

      It is good practice not to ask closed questions, so candidates do not just give yes or no answers. Teacher/examiners should ask open ended and searching questions.

      The teacher/examiner who is also a teacher must ensure that they explain the format of the test to their learners in advance and that they prepare them through the use of role plays in classroom settings in order to give them enough practice during the course of their study and ensure that they are well prepared for their examination.

      How the candidate performance could improve
      Adequate preparation prior to the assessment taking place would ensure that candidates are able to confidently navigate the requirements of the assessment. Furthermore, candidates should feel confident in asking for clarification during the assessment if they are unsure of the question being asked.

    • Low level response

      • Whole test - click to listen

      show/hide  Transcript and commentary

      Part 1 Presentation

      Teacher/examiner:؟   جی ۔عبداللہ تیار ہیں آپ    

      [Moderator comment: A good start, checking with the candidate if he is ready to start his test.]

      Candidate: جی میں تیار ہوں ۔   

      [Moderator comment: The candidate responds appropriately although sounds very nervous and quiet. It is hard for the listener to hear him properly.]

      Teacher/examiner: تھوڑا سا اونچاآپ کو بولنا پڑے گا گھبرانے کی کوئی بات نہیں۔

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner tries to make the candidate feel at ease and asks him to speak up.]

      Teacher/examiner: آپ کا امتحان شروع ہونے سے پہلےمیں یہ  

       آپ کو بتا دوں کہ آپ کے امتحان کے تین حصے ہونگے۔ پہلے حصے میں  آپ ہمیں  ا ردو بولنے والے معاشرے  کے بارے میں کچھ معلومات  دیں گے۔کچھ عناصر کے بارے میں بتائیں گے۔ اس کے بعد ہم آپ کی دی ہوئی معلومات کے بارے میں گفتگو  کریں گے۔

      تیسرے حصے کے لیے آپ کی پسند کے کسی بھی موضوع پر ہم  بات چیت  کریں گے۔ ٹھیک ہے۔

      سب سے پہلے تو آپ عبدا للہ مجھے یہ  بتائیں کہ آپ اردو  بولنے والے معاشرے کے بارے میں ہمیں کیا  بتائیں گے ۔

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner explains the examination format by outlining the three parts, which is good practice, then asks the candidate to introduce his topic.]

      Candidate:  اردو بولنے والے مسلمانوں کا تہوار عید الضحےٰ ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate gives the title of his topic in a very faint voice. It is clear that he is very nervous.]

      Teacher/examiner: تھوڑا سا  اونچا  بولیں پلیز  !  

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner reminds him to speak up again. It is very hard to make out what he is saying.]

      Candidate:  عید الضحےٰ کی خوشنودی کے لیے مسلما نو ں کے ایمان میں بہت بڑا حصہ ادا کرتی ہے ۔عید الضحے ٰ  تب شروع  ہوا  جب حضرت

      ا برا ہیم ؑ  کو حکم دیا گیا کہ وہ اپنے بیٹے حضرت ا سمعیل ؑ  کو  خدا کی  ا طا عت کی انعامت

      میں ان کو ذبح کر دیں ۔ ان کو  ذبح کر دیں    جب وہ  ذبح کرنے  والے تھے  تو حضرت اسمعیل ؑ   کو اللہ تعالی ٰ نے ا ن کی جگہ ایک بھیڑ کو بدل دیا ۔اب

      ا برا ہیم ؑ کی  رضامندی کی شان میں عید الضحے ٰ مناتے  ہیں۔  مسلمان عید الضحے ٰ اس لیے مناتے  ہیں کہ وہ حضرت   عید   کا  تہوا  ر ہے ۔ہم لوگ   ہندوؤں کا تہوار ہولی ہے ۔ ہولی کو رنگوں  کا  تہو ا ر بھی  بول سکتے  ہیں  ۔ہولی کے دورا ن لوگ پوجا کرتے ہیں وہ پھر دوسروں  کو کھانا  دیتے ہیں اور اپنے گھروں کو سجاتے ہیں ،رنگوں کے ساتھ  ۔ ہولی برائی اور  اچھائی کی فتح کی علامت ہے ۔ ہولی کے دوران وہ رنگولی ایک دوسرے کے اوپر پھینکتے ہیں ۔ رنگولی ایک پوڈر ہے  رنگ برنگا   اور کوئی بھی مختلف سے اس کے رنگ ہوتے ہیں ۔ اس کے ہو سکتے ہیں ۔ پوری دنیا سمیت صرف  ہندو  ہولی مناتے ہیں   مگر یہ امن کی علامت ہے  اور بھی بہت لوگ بھی مناتے ہیں ۔

      عیسا ئیوں کا ایک تہوار کرسمس ہے ۔ کرسمس اس  لیے منائی جاتی ہے آں آں یہ وہ دن تھا جب حضرت عیسےٰ پیدا ہو ئے تھے کرسمس کو اس لیے مناتے ہیں ۔ اس لیے مناتے ہیں۔ کرسمس کے دو را  ن  وہ  دوسروں کو تحفے دیتے ہیں اور کھانا  دیتے  ہیں۔  

      [Moderator comment: A limited coverage of the topic. The candidate communicates some factual information with a few ideas and opinions. This is a mostly coherent presentation but sometimes it is hard to follow. Almost inaudible at times. The presentation is slow and stilted, though interest is generally sustained. The candidate uses an adequate range of vocabulary. Pronunciation and intonation sometimes lack clarity. The candidate uses simple structures accurately, though errors occur when complex structures are attempted. Errors occasionally impede communication. The candidate hesitates and repeats when searching for words going beyond simplicity.]


      Part 2 Discussion

      Teacher/examiner: ٹھیک ہے، شاباش ! اچھا جو بھی معلومات آپ نے دی ہیں ان کی تفصیل دی ہے، ہم  اس پر بات چیت کریں گے تو آپ نے یہاں پہ سب سے پہلے ذکر کیا عید الضحے ٰ  کا جس پہ آپ نے ہمیں بہت تفصیل سے بتایا کہ یہ حضرت ا براہیم  ً کی قربانی کی نشانی کے طور پر ہم عید مناتے ہیں۔آپ کس طریقے سے اپنی عید الضحےٰ مناتے ہیں ؟ 

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner paraphrases to start with and then asks a question which makes it a very long opening question. The last part of the sentence would be a sufficient question on its own.]

      Candidate: اس کو ذبح بھائی کو دیتے ہیں ۔ وہ اس کو ذبح  سب سے پہلے ہم لوگ ایک بھیڑ خریدتے ہیں وہ مارکیٹ سے ، ہم

      کرتے ہیں  اور اس کو پھر تین حصو ں میں کرتے ہیں ۔ ایک فیملی کو دینا ہے ایک رفقاء کو دینا ہے اور ایک یتیم بچوں کو دینا ہے۔ہماری عید الضحے ٰ ہوتی ہے ہم اپنے خاندان کے ساتھ ٹائم سپینڈ کرتے ہیں ۔باہر جاتے ہیں  اورمیں    ۔۔۔۔   

      [Moderator comment: The candidate shows an understanding of the question and gives a satisfactory response but displays some hesitation. Errors impede communication. The candidate uses English words when they cannot find appropriate Urdu words. Pronunciation and intonation sometimes lack clarity.]

      Teacher/examiner: ہوں ہوں۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ آپ ان سارے کاموں  میں کچھ ہاتھ بٹاتے ہیں  ؟ یعنی کہ جب جانور لینے جا رہے ہیں تو آپ اپنے ابا کے ساتھ جاتے ہیں لینے کے لیے اور گوشت با نٹنے کے لیے  جارہے ہیں سب ہی جا رہے ہیں ۔ مطلب خود  سے کوئی کام کرتے ہیں یا بس ابا کے ساتھ جا رہے ہوتے ہیں اور سب کام ابا کر ہے  ہوتے ہیں ؟ 

      [Moderator comment: A long question although part of this sentence is paraphrasing. The teacher/examiner should have asked an alternative question or a short simple question such as ‘How do you participate / help?’]

      Candidate:۔ میں مدد کرتا   ہوں گوشت کو کاٹنے کے لیے اور بانٹنے کے لیے  

      [Moderator comment: A limited response. The candidate has difficulty in understanding the concept of the question and uses a satisfactory range of vocabulary.]

      Teacher/examiner: یعنی کہ یہ آپ اپنے طریقے سے اس میں حصہ ڈال رہے ہیں عید کو منانے میں ۔ تیا ری کیسے کرتے ہیں ؟

      [Moderator comment: This question is slightly more appropriate in eliciting further information.]

      Candidate: عید کی تیا ری میں سب سے پہلے کھانا بنانا ہوتا ہے۔کھانے بنانے میں بہت مدد کرتا ہوں صرف میری امی کام نہیں کر رہی ہوتیں بلکہ پورا خاندان کام کر رہا ہوتا ہے۔ اور دوسروں کی مدد کرتے ہیں  پھر کھانا   دوسروں کو  دیتے ہیں ۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate communicates factual points and makes some attempt to sequence and link ideas. The candidate uses compound sentences by using adjoining words.]

      Teacher/examiner   ٹھیک ہے تو سارے گھر والے مل کر ہی کرتے ہیں ۔ یہ بھی عید کا ایک خاص مزہ ہی ہوتا ہے کہ

      سب گھر والے اکٹھے ہوتے ہیں ورنہ تو عام طور پر امی ابو ہی کرتے ہیں ۔اچھا آپ نے دوسرے تہواروں کا بھی ذکر کیا ۔آپ نے کبھی دوسرے تہواروں میں ساتھ دیا ؟ کسی دوسرے کبھی تہوار منائے ہیں ساتھ میں ؟

      [Moderator comment: This is a lengthy question; a mixture of paraphrasing and question. It could be simplified, for example ‘Do you take part in celebrating the other festivals you mentioned earlier?’]

      Candidate: مگر میں نے دیکھا ہوا ہے ۔ میں نے ساتھ نہیں  دیا   

      [Moderator comment: It seems that the candidate relies heavily on prepared material and does not cope well with unexpected questions. The candidate uses a limited range of vocabulary.]

      Teacher/examiner: تو کیسا تجربہ رہا ؟ دوسروں کی خوشی کو دیکھنے کا کیو نکہ دوسرو ں کی خوشی کو دیکھ کر بھی ہمیں خوشی ملتی ہے۔

      [Moderator comment: This is a good emotive question enabling the candidate to express his feelings about an experience.]

      Candidate: اس میں صرف عید ہی تہوار نہیں ہے  ہاں  میں نے دیکھا تو مجھے پتہ  چلا  دنیا  بہت  بڑی ہے  اور بہت ساری  چیز یں  ہیں

      ور بہت تہوار ہیں۔ میں چاہتا ہوں کہ ایک دن میں بھی حصہ لے لوں۔

      [Moderator comment: A general comment about other festivals and an indirect response to express how he felt about this experience. The candidate uses satisfactory vocabulary, although hesitates when complex structures are attempted.]

      Teacher/examiner: تو آپ کو موقع تو ملتا ہے ؟

      [Moderator comment: A good question enabling the candidate to explore reasons for not taking part.]

      Candidate:  جب موقع   ملتا ہے اس میں کوئی اور چیز آ جاتی ہے۔ 

      [Moderator comment: The candidate uses enough words to convey only a very short reason.]

      Teacher/examiner: تو کوئی اور کام کھڑے ہو جاتے ہیں چلیں کوئی بات نہیں انشاء اللہ آگے ضرور کیجیے گا ۔

      [Moderator comment: A good statement to bring discussion to a close for this part of the test.]


      Part 3 Conversation

      Teacher/examiner: امتحان کے تیسرے حصے کے لیے کون سا موضوع ہے ؟

      [Moderator comment: Here the teacher/examiner allows the candidate to choose their own topic; this is incorrect as the topic should be chosen by the teacher.]

      Candidate: کرسمس کے لیے ؟

      [Moderator comment: The candidate is confused by this question. He does not show an understanding and thinks that the teacher is referring to a third festival he mentioned in his previous presentation, so he mentions it as if to make sure that he has got it right.]

      Teacher/examiner: ا متحان کے تیسرے حصے کے لیے آپ کی مرضی کے کسی موضوع  پر   

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner repeats the question, inviting the candidate to talk about a topic of his choice for part three of his test.]

      Candidate:  ہا ں ہاں سکول کے بعد لائف سکول میں کیا کرتا ہوں ؟

      [Moderator comment: The candidate tries to recover from his previous confusion and talk about life after school and what he does at school. However, it is an unclear response.]

      Teacher/examiner: سکو ل آنا  پسند ہے آپ کو؟

      [Moderator comment: A good short question which may help the candidate to overcome his nervousness.]

      Candidate:   بس ٹھیک ہے۔ .

      [Moderator comment: This is a limited and brief response.]

      Teacher/examiner:  کیوں  چنا ہے یہ موضوع  ؟ کیوں  بات کرنا چاہتے ہیں اس  کے اوپر ؟   بس ٹھیک ہے  

      [Moderator comment: This is a twofold question to encourage the candidate to engage in conversation.]

      Candidate: ۔کیونکہ بہت سے   بات اس لیے کرنا چاہتا ہوں کیونکہ بتانے کے لیےسکول کے اندر آپ کی زندگی سیدھی چاہیئے

       بہت سے بوڑھے لوگ بتاتے ہیں کہ یہ زندگی ابھی جیو کیونکہ بعد میں یہ وقت نہیں آئے گا ۔مطلب  سکول کے اندر تھوڑی مستی کر لو مگر ساتھ ساتھ کام کرنا ہے۔ سکول کے دوران میں خود کام کرتا ہوں اور خود فوکس کے ساتھ کام کرنا چاہیئے ۔

      [Moderator comment: A good response, relating to how one has to enjoy school life alongside focusing on working hard. The candidate uses satisfactory vocabulary to express his views.]

      Teacher/examiner: اچھا اور آگے کے بارے میں کیا کرنا ہے آپ نے کہا سکول کی زندگی تو آگے کیا کرنا ہے ؟ سکول کے بعد کا کیا سوچتے ہیں ۔کوئی منصوبے بنائے ہوئے ہیں کہ کیا کرنا ہے کچھ ؟

      [Moderator comment: This type of long question poses difficulty; the last part of the question would be sufficient to elicit information about future plans. An alternative question would be more beneficial, for example ‘Can you talk about your future plans/ambitions?’]

      Candidate:۔ ابا کے ساتھ تھوڑا کام کر لوں  اس  سکول کے بعد سوچتا ہوں کہ پہلے سے ہی کسی چھوٹے سے  کام  پر لگ جاؤ ں  بعد میں کمپنی شروع  تو تھوڑی دیر کے لیے کوئی کمپنی جائن کر لوں ۔ جب کچھ پیسے آ جائیں گے تو پھر انشاء اللہ کا موقع نہیں ملا  

       کر لوں گا۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate is indecisive about his future plans, however, he shows an understanding of the question and sustains conversation.]

      Teacher/examiner: یعنی کہ آپ کا ابھی سے ارادہ یہ ہے کہ آپ نے کاروبار کرنا ہے آگے چل کے۔کیا تیاری ہے اپنے کاروبار کی ابھی سکول کی زندگی میں ، سکول میں ہوتے ہوئے  ، سکول میں رہتے ہوئے اپنے کاروبار  کے بارے میں کچھ نہیں  سوچتے  ؟  کیا کرنا ہے ؟

      [Moderator comment: A complicated question, an alternative question would be better.]

      Candidate: آہ ، یہ ، وہ میتھس کے اندر بہت اچھا کرنا ہے کیونکہ وہ کاروبار کے اگر اللہ چاہے تو کچھ بھی ہو سکتا ہے  ۔ ابھی صحیح طرح سے

       ڈیسا ئیڈ   نہیں کیا  ،  بہ کچھ ہو سکتا ہے فزکس  کے متعلق ۔ 

      [Moderator comment: Some ideas are clear, but the information is very brief and it is unclear where his response is heading. Some hesitation and use of English words.]

      Teacher/examiner: ہا ں پھر بھی ۔ 

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner asks for more information when an alternative question could have been asked for conversation to flow naturally.]

      Candidate:بہت کچھ ہو سکتا  ہے فزکس کے ریلیٹڈ  اکسٹرا فوٹوگرفی  یا  پھر کوئی  سپر مارکیٹ   وغیرہ  یا  شاپ  کھول  لوں گا۔

      [Moderator comment: This is a very mixed response, and it is not exactly clear about the direction of his future, but the candidate outlines a couple of options for his future plans. Present and future tense are used.]

      Teacher/examiner : تو مطلب ابھی آپ نے کچھ بھی آپ کر سکتے ہیں مگر آپ کو کاروبار کے شعبے میں ہی جانا ہے۔ اچھا آپ نے کیا سکول کی بات کرنی ہےیہا ں پر کچھ تھوڑا مزہ لینا ہے  لیکن زیادہ نہیں  ، زیادہ نہیں ، تو اپنی زندگی سے کیسے  لطف اٹھا سکتے ہیں ؟ مزہ لے سکتے ہیں ؟ بیلنس چاہیے ؟  

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner paraphrases and goes back to a comment made earlier about school rules; they could have asked an alternative question, for example about the positive and negative aspects of running a business. It would be the right time to move onto a second topic about running a business, to have a good balance between two topics.]

      Candidate:  تھوڑا سا   رولز کو  توڑنا  چاہیئے ۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate gives his opinion about breaking school rules with justification. The candidate uses would and should sentences.]

      Teacher/examiner: تھوڑا سا رولز کو توڑنا چاہیے ۔ آپ سے یہ نہیں پوچھوں گی  کہ آپ نے کون سے رولز توڑے مگر جب رولز بنا ئے جاتے ہیں تو ان کی کچھ وجہ تو ہوتی ہے۔؟ ڈر نہیں لگتا اصول توڑتے ہوئے؟

      [Moderator comment: Although not a bad question, the teacher/examiner could ask an alternative question, such as ‘Why do schools have rules?’ This would allow further exploration of the topic.]

      Candidate:   دوسروں کے ساتھ ہوں تو ڈر نہیں لگتا ۔  جب

      [Moderator comment: The candidate presents his point of view.]

      Teacher/examiner: دوسروں کے ساتھ ہوں تو ڈر نہیں لگتا تو   اگر سزا ملے تو ؟

      [Moderator comment: A good searching question.]

      Candidate: اگرکیا ؟

      [Moderator comment: The candidate asks for clarification.]

      Teacher/examiner: سزا ملےتو  کیا ؟  اگر

      [Moderator comment: The teacher/examiner repeats her question.]

      Candidate: (inaudible ) اگر سزا ملے تو اس کو ایکسیپٹ کر لینا چاہئیے۔

      [Moderator comment: The candidate defends his point of view by giving reason.]

      Teacher/examiner: بہت اچھا ۔ مجھے یہ جواب سن کے آپ کی باقی ساری ، جو تیاری ہے اور منصوبے ہیں کاروبار کے اور مستقبل کے سب سے زیادہ مجھے یہ بات اچھی لگی کہ اگر سزا ملتی ہے تو جو کیا ہے ۔ اس سزا کو اٹھانے کے لیے تیار رہنا چاہئیے۔ یہ ٹھیک ہے میں نے کیا ہے بے روزگار کیا کر سکتے ہیں۔ ہے نا ! بہت اچھی سوچ ہے آپ کی۔ انشا ء اللہ  ، تعالیٰ  آپ کو ضرور کامیاب کرے گا۔  

      [Moderator comment: This is a good positive comment to make the candidate feel at ease at the end of the test by paraphrasing and adding some encouraging comments.]





    • Moderator comments - Part 1 Presentation 

      Conduct of the test

      The teacher/examiner announces all relevant details about the candidate at the start of the assessment. The teacher/examiner has a warm and gentle style when welcoming the candidate, making them feel at ease.

      The teacher/examiner checks with the candidate if he is ready to start the examination, and notices that the candidate is nervous and tries to make him feel at ease which is a good practice.

      The teacher/examiner explains the format of the whole examination, i.e., all three parts and invites him to start his presentation, reminding him to speak up a bit louder when inaudible. It helps to have a good audio quality.

      Candidate response

      The candidate gives an outline of three different festivals celebrated in the Urdu speaking community. There is adequate coverage of the topic, and the candidate makes relevant factual points but in a slow and hesitant style. There is some repetition.

      The candidate uses an adequate range of vocabulary.

      The candidate uses a simple structure, and errors occur when he attempts complex structures.

      The candidate pauses frequently, however they complete this task satisfactorily. It is evident that the candidate lacks preparation or practice.

      Mark awarded for Content and presentation = 7 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 5 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 12 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Part 2 Topic conversation

      Conduct of the test

      The teacher/examiner conducts the test well.

      The teacher/examiner makes a good start in reminding the candidate that they are entering into Part 2 of the test.

      The teacher/examiner asks searching questions and uses prompting when required.

      Discussions last for an appropriate length of time.

      The teacher/examiner encourages the candidate to speak up which helps in ensuring that the candidate is audible.

      Candidate response

      The candidate performs satisfactorily in this part. He overcomes his nervousness and responds well, and at a length, to most questions. His performance is better than that in Part 1.

      The candidate uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and pronunciation, and intonation are generally clear.

      The candidate is able to sustain the listener’s interest and conversation flows smoothly and without any gaps or hesitation.

      The candidate’s performance is much better during interaction with the teacher/examiner as compared to expressing or presenting the material from a memory.

      Mark awarded for Comprehension and responsiveness = 7 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 5 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 12 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Part 3 General conversation

      Conduct of the test

      Some errors are made in this part of the test – the teacher/examiner asks the candidate to select a topic, when it should be the teacher/examiner’s choice.

      It is vital that the teacher/examiner is aware that they choose which two topics are covered here; it should be an unknown topic for the candidate.

      The teacher/examiner should explain that they are going to have a general conversation and then ask questions, for example ‘What are your future plans?’

      When the teacher/examiner feels they have explored the first topic sufficiently, they should then move on to the next topic, such as ‘what do you think about school rules?’

      The conversation goes smoothly on the whole and the two topics are covered adequately. Apart from this error, the teacher/examiner conducts the test well.

      Good searching questions are asked.

      Candidate response

      The candidate gives some reasonable, interesting and relevant responses to the majority of questions.

      A pleasant conversation is held during this part.

      Pronunciation and intonation are generally clear.

      The candidate uses a sufficient range of vocabulary.

      Overall, this is an interesting interaction between the teacher/examiner and candidate.

      Mark awarded for Comprehension and responsiveness = 7 out of 10
      Mark awarded for Quality of language = 4 out of 10
      Total mark awarded = 11 out of 20

      Moderator comments - Whole test

      How the teacher/examiner performance could improve

      This teacher/examiner performance is good overall. However, there are two important points to improve on. Firstly, the teacher/examiner should select two topics for Part 3; one from topic areas A–B and the other from topic areas C–E. The teacher/examiner should vary these topics for each candidate. Another important point to remember is that the topic chosen should not be the same as the candidate’s presentation.

      Once the teacher/examiner has selected the topic, prior to the examination, some questions can be prepared in advance whilst others will emerge naturally from the candidate’s responses during the examination. Two topics have been covered in this section: school in relation to school rules and future plans. The first topic is covered from Area A and the second topic is covered from Area D which meets the examination requirement.

      This teacher/examiner has a good understanding of the test requirements in general but needs to improve on the errors highlighted. In addition, they speak clearly and make candidates feel at ease, which is good practice.

      How the candidate performance could improve

      The candidate performance could be improved by more adequate advanced preparation of the presentation; they should have plenty of practice in the classroom through the use of role play.

      Even if candidates have sufficient knowledge of Urdu they still need to practise to boost their confidence.

      Candidates should be clear about what they will be expected to do in the test and understand the format – this will help in their overall performance. 

    • Common mistakes and guidance

      • Teacher/examiners should ensure that they have read the guidelines provided by Cambridge International prior to conducting the speaking test, and that they are confident of the requirements of all parts of the assessment; they should ensure that they know when they need to select the topics and have an understanding of how questioning can be used to help candidates reach their potential.

      • Each candidate’s performance depends on how well the exam is conducted therefore it is crucial that the teacher/examiner understands the requirements of each part of the test. They need to prepare their questions thoughtfully and make sure that questions are appropriate and relevant.

      • It is important in Part 2 that candidates refer to the topic covered in Part 1.

      • There is a lack of consistency of how the test is conducted by the teacher/examiner in each centre.

      • Middle and low-level candidates lack practice, preparation and confidence. Their language skills could be built upon with adequate preparation.

      • It could be beneficial for the teacher/examiner to select topics for Part 3, and have some questions ready, prior to the examination; this may be a helpful strategy to avoid the same errors being repeated.

      • It is very important for candidates to understand the format of the speaking test and prepare their presentation topic well. The first two parts of the test focus on their preparation.

      For further details about how candidates performed in this particular examination series please refer to the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers.