Topic outline

  • Cambridge IGCSE™ Hindi as a Second Language 0549 (for examination from 2019)
    Example Candidate Responses (Component 03 - Speaking (optional))

    • Introduction

      The main aim of this resource is to exemplify standards of Cambridge IGCSE Hindi as a Second Language, Component 03 Speaking, and show how different levels of candidates' performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject's curriculum and assessment objectives. 

      Candidate responses have been selected from March 2019 series to exemplify a range of answers. 

      The recording of each speaking test is followed by moderator comments on where and why marks were awarded or omitted, followed by how the answer could have been improved. In this way, it is possible for you to understand what candidates have done to gain their marks and what they could do to improve their answers. 

      Common mistakes and misconceptions made by the candidates are also commented on for the whole test. For further details about how candidates performed in this particular examination series please refer to the Principal Examiner Report for Teachers available on the School Support Hub at:

       (username and password required)

  • Now that you have read through the Speaking Assessment Criteria Grids, you may want to practise marking a speaking test. Listen to the candidate responses below, make a note of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and give a mark, before you read the moderator comments and marks. 

    Please note: Information about the candidate and centre has been removed from the start of the recording to protect the identity of the candidate, however it is very important to include this information when submitting audios for moderation.

    • High level response

      • Listen to high level response

    • Moderator comments (Part 1 Presentation)

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner follows the Speaking examination protocol correctly. She introduces the candidate putting her at ease. She explains the three parts examination and time allocation for each part.
      Content and Presentation:

      The candidate gives a well structured and organised presentation. She uses props to illustrate the concept related to the topic of Festival of Diwali which creates a lively presentation and sustains interest. She mentions two different theories behind the reason for celebrating Diwali and says which one she believes to be true. She describes the traditional practices of having fireworks to celebrate Diwali and gives her own opinion by saying that she does not like fireworks as they cause air and noise pollution. She goes on to support her opinion by the data about the three fold increase in air and noise pollution during the festival period. She expresses her own idea of how to celebrate Diwali by sharing food and drinks with friends and family.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses a wide range of topic appropriate vocabulary accurately, with clear pronunciation and intonation. She uses words like उत्साह (enthusiasm)उमंग (excitement), खुशियाँ मनाना (celebrating happiness)भारतीय संस्कृति का एक महत्वपूर्ण त्योहार (an important festival of Indian culture) etc to convey the atmosphere of festivity. When asked about the meaning of the word ‘Diwali’, she gives a clear and full explanation. दीवाली शब्द का अर्थ है दीपों का कतार या पंक्ति, दीवाली के दिन हम दीप जलाकर...Her responses are prompt and precise.

      The candidate uses some complex structures accurately and fluently to describe the two different theories for celebrating Diwali, दीवाली के बारे में विभिन्न समुदाय के लोग विभिन्न मान्यताएँ रखते हैं रामायण में राम और सीता के बनवास से लौटने की खुशी में लोग दीवाली मनाते हैं और दूसरे समुदाय का यह मानना है कि नरकासुर नामक असुर के वध के कारण दीवाली मनाई जाती है।.

      Mark awarded = 20 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Part 2 Topic conversation)

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner handles the test competently; she asks an implicit question and slightly changes the direction of conversation by asking if Diwali means just food and drink or anything else.
      The candidate responds well to changes in the conversation brought about by the examiner and gives a full answer. She shows the ability to present and justify a point of view and uses complex sentences such as, दीवाली महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह एक पारंपरिक त्योहार है, हम अपनी परंपरा को भूलते नहीं हैं इसके अलावा दीवाली एक धार्मिक त्योहार भी है,   अंत में दीवाली का असली मकसद बुराई पर भलाई की जीत है (Diwali is more than food and drink; it’s about following our traditions and spending happy times with friends and family. It means that we do not forget our traditions. Besides, it is also a religious festival and finally its real aim is to show the victory of Good over Evil).

      Comprehension and Responsiveness:
      The candidate’s responses are natural and spontaneous even to unexpected questions. She demonstrates a thorough knowledge of her chosen topic’s personal, social and religious significances. She shows the ability to process questions which have more than one part and answers all the parts precisely. The candidate’s sequential response to a question about vegetarian and non vegetarian dietary habits, its effect on health and what constitutes a balanced diet exemplifies her understanding and responsiveness.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses a wide range of vocabulary to a good effect. पौष्टिक और संतुलित आहार का ग्रहण करना चाहिए, पर्यावरण को हानि, नापसंद

      The candidate uses a variety of structures (relative clauses, passive structures etc) accurately and effectively. खाने पीने की अच्छी आदत की शिक्षा घर से शुरू होनी चाहिए, पर स्कूलों की भी जिम्मेदारी है, वे मेरी बात सुनने को तैयार नहीं हैं, पर अभी भी कोशिश जारी है, यहाँ हम देख सकते हैं कि...मिठाइयाँ बाँटकर शुभकामना देती हूँ।.
      Mark awarded = 20 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Part 3 General conversation) 

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner informs the candidate about the topics for the General conversation. She make the General conversation interactive by asking carefully structured secondary questions to follow up from the candidate's previous answers. The question about her plans for further studies leads up to the next question about her career plans. 
      Comprehension and Responsiveness:
      The candidate seems to enjoy sharing her future education plans and chosen career path. Her responses are clearly considered and well developed. She displays a sustained ability to maintain the conversation and contributes extensively. She sustains the examiner’s interest as well as answers her question about instead of wanting to become a teacher why she doesn’t want to pursue a career in engineering. The candidate explains that there are plenty of people studying engineering; her aim is to train as a teacher to help those children who do not get the opportunity to attend school. She also explains the step by step route to her chosen career path.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses precise vocabulary with clear pronunciation; she uses some phrases, almost like a first language speaker.

      शिक्षा को बाँटना चाहिए, बेचना नहीं (education should be shared, not sold), कहा जाता है कि सुबह के खाने को बादशाह की तरह खाना चाहिए और रात के खाने को भिखारी की तरह.

      The candidate shows a good command of vocabulary to respond precisely and communicate sophisticated ideas about her future planning, healthy life style etc. She does not need any prompting and responds relevantly at length while keeping the flow of conversation, sustaining the examiner's interest.

      Mark awarded = 20 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Whole test)

      How the examiner performance could improve:
      An exemplary Speaking examination. The timings of each part are appropriate. The examiner also provides the candidate opportunities to perform best to her ability. Considering the strength of the candidate, some of the questions could have been a little implicit.

      How the candidate performance could improve:
      A strong candidate. She came well prepared and handled the test competently. She remained relaxed throughout to make the experience an enjoyable one.

      Common mistakes and misconceptions:
      There are some errors in correct use of verbs, उत्साहित बनाते हैं (उत्साहित करते हैं), some confusion with gender of common nouns like दीपों का कतार (दीपों की कतार) ,शिक्षा घर से शुरू होता है but these errors do not impede meaning.

      Total mark awarded = 60 out of 60

    • Middle level response

      • Listen to middle level response

    • Moderator comments (Part 1 Presentation)

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner generally follows the Speaking examination protocol by announcing the centre number, candidate number and name (removed from this recording), but does not explain the three part examination and time allocated to each part.

      Content and Presentation: 
      The candidate gives adequate presentation on her chosen topic, Family. She defines Family in a simplistic way, परिवार शब्द ये होता है जो प्यार से मिलजुल कर रहते हैं. Her ideas about extended family and nuclear family are presented in sharp contrast with each other. She provides her own opinion and gives example to support it.संयुक्त परिवार में यदि माँ बाप को कुछ काम के हिलसिले में बाहर जाना पड़े तो जा सकते हैं एकल परिवार में यदि माँ बाप दोनो काम करते हैं तो कहीं बाहर नहीं जा सकते। उनके दिमाग में यह tension होगा कि बच्चे क्या कर रहे हैं She is unable to develop her ideas systematically and tends to repeat herself. Some repetition and hesitation in delivering the memorised speech sustains little interest.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses a limited range of vocabulary and frequently relies on English words to communicate simple words such as grandchildren, option, tension, etc.

      The candidate uses simple structures mostly accurately but struggles with using past and future tenses and resorts to using them inappropriately .यदि छोटे चाचाजी को US जाने का option है तो नहीं जा सकते क्यों कि उनको लगेगा कि दौलत से प्यार है, Some of her sentences lack  clarity, संयुक्त परिवार में दोस्ती का शब्द नहीं चाहिए।.

      Mark awarded = 14 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Part 2 Topic conversation) 

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner moves seamlessly on to the second part of the examination and asks questions to develop the topic by asking her relevant questions from her presentation.

      Comprehension and Responsiveness: 
      The candidate responds to simple questions by repeating her presentation. She does not seem to understand the question about shortfalls in extended families. Her answers remain vague and inadequate. They often do not relate to the questions. She hesitates before answering, resulting in some delay in responses. Her examples to justify her points are not always relevant. एकल परिवार के लाभ: बच्चे अगर बाहर दोस्त नहीं बना पाते, माँबाप समय लेकर दोस्त की तरह अपने बच्चों से खेल सकते हैं।.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses a limited range of vocabulary, compensated by English words, 'already', 'plus', 'option', 'depressed', 'problem', 'north', 'south side', etc. Her pronunciation of simple words is generally clear.

      The candidate uses simple structures,युवा को खुद अपना देखना होगा, यदि काम है तो नहीं जाना होगा errors do not impede communication.

      Mark awarded = 13 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Part 3 General conversation) 

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner asks some interesting questions to sustain interest in this part of the Speaking test examination.

      Comprehension and Responsiveness: 
      The candidate’s responses are rather vague and shallow about the usefulness of foreign travels.घूमने फिरने से हम यह सीख सकते हैं तो यदि हम north side से आते हैं... सब चीज की पहचान होती है।. She is not able to give her own opinion to simple questions and some hesitation in answering them breaks the flow of conversation.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses a limited range of Hindi vocabulary and tends to rely on English words to convey her ideas. Errors do not impede communication of simple ideas.

      The candidate uses simple structures मैं यह कहूंगी कि हर बार अपने देश में घूमना अच्छी बात है।.

      Mark awarded = 13 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Whole test)

      How the examiner performance could improve: 
      The examiner could have explained the three part examination to the candidate either at the beginning or at the point when she moved from one part to the next. Topic related questions could have been structured to avoid the repetition of Presentation and create interest.

      How the candidate performance could improve:
      The candidate could have done some in depth preparation around the topic and topic appropriate vocabulary to develop it at the level expected for Cambridge IGCSE Hindi as a Second Language.

      Common mistakes and misconceptions:
      The candidate finds it difficult to understand some of the questions. Some of the answers are too brief and effort is needed to develop them fully to sustain interest in an interactive manner. Some of the sentences like परेशानी है पर इसका मतलब नहीं कि आप गलत आदत ले लें, though not complete, do not impede the meaning. She shows a limited ability to sustain an interactive conversation.

      Total mark awarded = 40 out of 60

    • Low level response

      • Listen to low level response

    • Moderator comments (Part 1 Presentation)

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner greets the candidate. She does not introduce the three parts of the examination, or details of the centre number or candidate number. The candidate introduces himself.

      Content and Presentation: 
      The candidate gives a brief presentation, mostly about the advantages of Sports. He includes a few points about the health benefits of playing sports, but is unable to organise and develop them.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses a limited range of vocabulary and uses some English words to communicate simple ideas. He finds it difficult to pronounce simple words like खेल (केल), मांसपेशी (मासपेश), खुश (कुश), धीमा (दीमा), आलसी (आड़सी) and व्यायाम (व्ययाम) accurately. His intonation is affected by the pauses in the middle of sentences when he seems to be trying to remember the next word from his prepared presentation.

      The candidate hesitates a lot and makes mistakes in using personal and possessive pronouns, verb-gender agreement etc in simple structures, हमारी बीमार भी कम हो जाती है, यह हमारी नींद की गुणवत्ता जादा हो जाता है, हम बिमारियां नहीं होता, वसा की स्तर घटता है.

      Mark awarded = 11 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Part 2 Topic conversation) 

      Conduct of the test:
      The examiner tries to support the candidate, and re-phrases questions which are clearly not understood by the candidate.

      Comprehension and Responsiveness: 
      The candidate has difficulty understanding the question about the sports and students. The candidate hesitates a little and after some delay says उनमें बहुत ऊर्जा होता है (they have a lot of energy), which does not answer the question. He needs frequent prompting from the examiner to continue. The examiner rephrases her question, but he is still unable to give an appropriate answer.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation:
      The candidate uses very limited vocabulary, lacks precision and frequently uses English words. His pronunciation and intonation sometimes lack clarity.

      The candidate uses simple structures often inaccurately.  खेल आपके पढ़ाई को जादा मदद करते हैं, ना खेलने वाले छात्र थोरा आलसी होता है, चेस हमारे अच्छी तरह दिमाग को चलाने को मदद करता है.

      Mark awarded = 11 out of 20 

    • Moderator comments (Part 3 General conversation) 

      Conduct of the test:
      It is clear from the examiner’s question, (आपने पहला विषय क्या चुना है?) that the candidate has pre-selected the two topics for the General conversation. This does not comply with the syllabus requirement. The examiner provides support to continue the General conversation.

      Comprehension and Responsiveness: 
      The candidate has difficulty in processing questions; he hesitates a lot and often gives an inappropriate, short answer.

      Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Intonation: 
      The candidate confuses between मोटा (fat) and दुबला (thin) and says जब हम बहुत बाहरी खाना खाते हैं हमारी वजन दुबली हो जाता है (when we eat a lot of outside food our weight becomes thin). He uses very limited vocabulary often compensated by English words to convey simple ideas. His pronunciation is not very clear.

      The candidate uses simple structures, makes mistakes in noun-verb –gender agreement and often answers in incomplete and vague sentences. जब हम आज देखते हैं और जब दूसरी, पहली सदी में देखते हैं – it is not clear what he wants to say. He does not answer the question, so the examiner explains her question by re-wording it. His answer is still very vague, पहले हम दबाइ, दबाइ एक चीज है जो हमारे यातायात से फैला हुआ है।.

      Mark awarded = 10 out of 20

    • Moderator comments (Whole test) 

      How the examiner performance could improve: 
      By following the syllabus regulations for conducting the Speaking examination. She needed to introduce the candidate and inform him about the structure of the examination. The candidate should not have the prior knowledge / choice of the topics for the General conversation. The examiner’s voice was very quiet; at times it was difficult to hear her. Her own pronunciation was not always accurate. On at least two occasions she says अंदर (meaning inside) instead of अंतर (difference).

      How the candidate performance could improve: 
      The candidate needed to be better prepared for the Topic presentation, topic related Hindi vocabulary and grammatical structures.

      Common mistakes and misconceptions:
      Use of English vocabulary, errors in noun, adjective-verb agreement and limited ability to understand questions in Hindi to answer them fully.

      Total mark awarded = 32 out of 60