Topic outline

  • Digital Media and Design overview

    Component 1
    Example Candidate Response - Middle
    • How the candidate could have improved

    • The candidate achieved mid-range marks in the assessment objectives, however additional marks could have been attracted to AO1. The secondary sources referenced on page 2 of the Supporting Studies could have more consistently reflected the candidate’s intentions. The candidate would also have attracted more marks in AO1 by avoiding extended biographical details about the artists studied. Instead, the candidate should have paid more attention to the ideas they are developing as part of their Supporting Studies, and the insights provided by the artists they are studying. The candidate should also have established a more convincing connection between their chosen theme and any artists chosen for study. The comparisons between the works of other artists could have been more forensic. The script would have attracted more marks in AO1 and AO2 if the visual language used by the chosen photographers was understood more convincingly.

      Some of the analysis used language which was overly complex. Some of the claims for the candidate’s own work were over-stated and not supported by the evidence. Evaluation of the candidate’s work would have been more reliable if robust methods of review were used. For example, peer review, professional feedback or systematic visual analysis could have been applied to the work. The story board in the Proposal section would have benefitted from including more detail. Specific scenes and progression between scenes could have been illustrated, along with the timing of text and/or commentary.