How is Cambridge International making use of Moodle and connected tools?
What is Moodle? Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. - See Moodle sandbox
No, what really is Moodle? A branded webpage you have control over
This page provides a range of examples of how Moodle and connected tools are being used.
Click on any image below to view a live working version, regardless of the device you are using. Some areas are secured with restricted enrolments.
Teacher Professional Development
Template course materials
Scalable solution for high quality online training
Respond to requirements from teams in an agile way
Assessment requirements prioritised, not technical capabilities.
Checkpoint for Primary Global Perspectives - group submission and recording of assessment
Checkpoint for Lower Secondary Global Perspectives - individual submission and assessment using marking rubric
Syllabus trialling
Early visibility and trialling of syllabus changes
Ongoing interaction with customers during syllabus development.
Consultant guidance
Reliable and consistent guidance materials
Presented in an accessible way for externals.
Examiner training
Present assessment specialist materials in a cost-effective way
Authored and controlled by non-technical people
Bespoke materials
Can dynamically respond to needs without needing IT projects set up
Bespoke access given for each project.
Additional examples
Moodle enables the use of plugins, scripts and tools to allow us to build learning and support materials responding to customer need.
Online support materials to support challenging concepts and skills. Makes use of our Online Learning portal with interactive learning objects - H5P, Vimeo and Javascript interactivity.