Topic outline

  • IGCSE First Language English Resource Plus overview
    • Teaching Packs

      The Teaching Packs below contain detailed lesson plans and worksheets to help develop your learners' speaking and listening skills.

      Each pack focuses on a specific element of speaking and listening and the skills associated with this.

    • In this section we encourage teachers to create a variety of contexts for practising speaking and listening which address the assessment objectives:

      • SL1 articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined
      • SL2 present facts, ideas and opinions in a cohesive order which sustains the audience’s interest
      • SL3 communicate clearly and purposefully using fluent language
      • SL4 use register appropriate to context
      • SL5 listen and respond appropriately in conversation.

      We have chosen to demonstrate this through the contexts of making a speech and having a debate.

      ‘Candidates are encouraged to make presentations which are lively, by perhaps incorporating more creative presentational styles, such as taking up a ‘voice’ or presenting a dramatic monologue.’ This allows room for teachers to employ some of the techniques we have covered in the Character-based Speaking and Listening Skills Packs. The video of the speech is an excellent example of how learners might use the cue card to good effect.

      ‘Candidates should be encouraged to consider how a conversation might develop around their chosen topic; if they cannot think of six questions they could be asked, the topic is unlikely to be easy to discuss.’ By practising a debate, this allows learners to naturally develop the skill of listening, turn taking and responding to questions. Techniques for constructing questions are covered in the Introduction to debating Skills Packs.

      Throughout the videos, animations highlight examples of good practice and language features. They are included in the video to keep the focus and attention of the learners and to develop their critical vocabulary.

  • Speeches
    • Speech: The Power of Words

      Speech: The Power of Words (with animations)

      Speech: The Man in the Arena

    • Introduction to debating
    • Debating: This House would ban animal testing

      Debating: How to prepare for a debate

      Debating: Reminder of the debate format

    • Character-based speaking and listening
    • Character-based speaking and listening 1a

      Character-based speaking and listening 1b

      Character-based speaking and listening 2

      Character-based speaking and listening 3