The purpose of a blog is to share knowledge or experience on specific topics ranging from cooking to travel to technology. Blogs are often a way of sharing personal thoughts and reflections on a topic and so may also be used to share opinions and commentary on a variety of issues.
Another feature of a blog is that they invite or encourage readers to comment on or discuss the content and therefore they are a way of connecting people with similar interests. Blog posts tend to be informal in style and provide opportunities to share personal experience and opinions using conversational language.
Tips for writing a blog post
Language – think about:
the audience – this will be people you don’t know but who are interested in the topic you are writing about.
the tone – a friendly, conversational style with casual language rather than formal language works best for a blog post.
opinions – blogs are a platform for sharing opinions so include plenty. Using a variety of adjectives will help with this.
engagement – a range of structures, tenses, sentence lengths and interesting vocabulary will catch the attention of your reader.
Organisation – think about:
the structure – although a blog is not a formal text, structuring your blog post is important to help guide the reader through.
Title: this gives an idea of what the post is about
Introduction: this puts the post in context and makes it clear why are you writing this post. A short opening sentence works well here or even a question. Some blogs address their readers directly at the start with a casual greeting, such as ‘Hello everyone’, but this is not essential.
Main body: this should contain concise paragraphs dealing with the different points you want to make; experiences you are recounting and ideas you are sharing.
Ending: A final sentence to encourage a response to your post is a good way to round off a blog post
linkage – link your ideas and experiences with connectives to help lead the reader through your post and use adverbs to help make time frames clear.