English: "I used a illusration of Macbeth - we moved labels to describe his reactions in Act 5 Scene 5. We discussed each suggestion dragged - and them onto his head, his heart, or his hands.
History: "We used labels to annotate a source, helping collaborate and share ideas. It supported deeper explanation.
Chemistry: "I uploaded a diagram of a heart and added five labels. We used it to focus on and orientate. It captured their attention to move onto the main activity"
Suggested uses
Upload an image or a diagram and create your labels.
Share your screen with the class - this could be in person or remotely.
Use the tool to start discussions - you could ask learners to explain where a label should go, you could encourage learners to make their own suggestions, you could complete the drag and drop and ask what is missing.
The most effective use of this tool is to encourage and simulate active learning - use it to start discussions, encourage questioning, and lead on to further activities and review.