Topic outline

    • Cambridge International AS & A Level languages
      A guide to filling in multiple-choice answer sheets

    • The aim of this short video is to highlight what candidates should and should not do when filling in a multiple-choice answer sheet. 

      This resource supports the following syllabuses for examination from 2024:

      • Cambridge International AS Level Spanish Language 8022
      • Cambridge International A Level Spanish Language & Literature 9844
      • Cambridge International AS Level Chinese Language 8238
      • Cambridge International A Level Chinese Language & Literature 9868

      This resource supports the following syllabuses for examination from 2025:

      • Cambridge International AS Level French Language 8028 
      • Cambridge International A Level French Language & Literature 9898
      • Cambridge International AS Level German Language 8027
      • Cambridge International A Level German Language & Literature 9897

      For papers containing multiple-choice and matching questions. Candidates answer all questions by selecting the correct option on a multiple-choice answer sheet

    • show/hide  Video transcript

      The aim of this short video is to highlight what you should and should not do when filling in your multiple-choice answer sheets. At the end of your listening test, you will have six minutes to transfer your answers from the question paper onto the multiple-choice answer sheet.

      For other examination papers you are not given this time at the end of the test and will need to transfer your answers on to the multiple-choice answer sheet as you complete the exam.

      Here are some things to remember when you are transferring your answers and filling in the sheet.

      You should always use a soft pencil (B or HB) …

      …and it is very important to shade just ONE answer box only for each question.

      Always double check that you have shaded under the correct answer option, for example, A, B, C, etc.

      You can rub out any answers you would like to change but make sure you use a soft, clean eraser, and then shade in the correct answer box.

      Make sure you shade the answer box on the correct line for each question.

      Here are some things which you should NOT do when using a multiple-choice answer sheet:

      Do not use correction fluid or circle any answers.

      It is important to remember not to shade in more than one answer box for each question, as no mark will be awarded for the question, even if one of the answers is correct.

      Also, take care when shading in the boxes – do not half-fill or over-fill them.

      If there are any answer options which are not needed for the question, do not cross these out as the answer sheet will not be scanned and will have to be marked manually.

      Please be aware that if an answer box is shaded for an answer option which is not available for that question, then no mark will be awarded.

      Remember not to make any other marks on the multiple-choice answer sheet or do any rough work or make notes on it (this should be done on the question paper).

      Shading on the multiple-choice answer sheet is only allowed on the specified area and even a small mark on any other area of the sheet, including the barcodes, may create a problem during marking.

      It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the question papers and the multiple-choice answer sheets before you take your exams, so that you know exactly what they look like and what to expect.