Conduct of the test
Topics 1 and
4 were correctly chosen ( (العطلات & البيئة
The teacher/examiner announced the second part of the exam:
"ننتقل الآن مباشرة إلى الجزء الثاني من أجزاء الامتحان الشفوي المحادثة الأولى. "
Topic conversation 1: (4:02 minutes)
The topic title of the conversation was announced.
" موضوع هذه المحادثة هو العطلات. "
The teacher/examiner asked Question 1 and then Question 2, and the candidate responded with one or two appropriate words.
((س١: نهاية الأسبوع، عطلة الأسبوع. س٢: مع أصدقائي
The information was communicated, the language was appropriate to the situation and there was no need to repeat any of the questions, so the teacher/examiner moved on to the following question.
The teacher/examiner then asked Question 3.
"أين ذهبت في آخر عطلة؟ وكيف قضيتها؟"
This question allowed the candidate to use the past tense to talk about how he spent his last holiday. The teacher/examiner asked both parts of the question without pausing between the two parts. The teacher/examiner should have paused and waited for the answer
to the first part, before asking the second part. The candidate briefly answered this question (ذهبت مع
أصدقائي إلى قرية وجلسنا هناك وقضينا وقتاً جميل) . The teacher/examiner could have encouraged a fuller
response by asking an extension question such as ‘Tell me more about places you went to and the activities you did.’
قُل لي المزيد عن الأماكن التي ذهبت
إليها والأنشطة التي مارستها. "
The teacher/examiner did not acknowledge the candidate’s answers and moved on to the fourth question.
Question 4 also consisted of two parts. This question allowed the candidate to give his opinion and to justify his answers, unfortunately the teacher/examiner did not pause between the first part and the second part of the question
هل تفضل الذهاب في عطلة
مع أصدقائك أم مع عائلتك؟ وما السبب؟
The candidate answered both parts briefly.
مع أصدقائي لأنهم.. أصدقائي لأنهم.. لأنهم..
لأن نستمتع مع بعض.. وهكذا.
The teacher/examiner moved on to Question 5 instead of asking for a fuller response or encouraging the candidate to develop his answer.
Question 5 also had two parts. This question allowed the candidate to talk about his plans for his future holiday and the reason
ماذا خططت للعطلة القادمة؟ وما سبب ذلك؟
The candidate answered both parts briefly.
في العطلة القادمة سنذهب أيضاً إلى نفس القرية
و. وسنستمتع هناك.
Regrettably, the teacher/examiner asked both parts of the question without any pause in between. Again, there was no acknowledgement of the candidate’s answer and no encouragement to give a fuller response by asking an extension question.
The timing for this topic was 1:29 minutes, which was too short, so the teacher/examiner asked two further questions related to the same topic which he had prepared in advance. Unfortunately, the candidate only answered these two questions briefly. The
teacher/examiner asked a third question and prompted for a detailed response, but still the candidate’s answers was short. The teacher/examiner then further questions in the hope that the candidate would extend his answers, which is not allowed. According
to the instructions, the teacher/examiner must not ask more than two further questions.
Q1:ما رايك في الطلاب
الذين يمارسون كثيراً من الأنشطة في العطلة الصيفية؟
إنه شيء جميل وصحي.
ماذا تفعل أنت بالتفصيلِ في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع؟
أذهب مع أصدقائي للعب كرة القدم كل عطلة أسبوع
Q3:ما هي الأعمال التي تقوم بها خلال العطلة كاملة؟
نذهب نلعب في كرة القدم. نذهب إلى السباحة وهكذا
بماذا يشعر الطالب في بداية العطلة؟:Q4
بال.. بالاستم.. بالفرح الشديد
:Q5ما سر ذلك الفرح؟
سيقابل أصدقاءه . سيذهبوا ليستمتعوا.
Q6:أنا لدي عطلة بعد أسبوع، اذكر لي برامج مميزة
كي أنفذها أنا في هذه العطلة.
مع أصدقائك للعب كرة القدم، ستستمتع جداً أو مكان آخر مع أصدقائك.
Q7:ما الشيء الذي يجب أن يفعله الطالب في نهاية العطلة؟
يستريح وأن يستمتع بها وأن يدرس. عليه أن يقسم وقته
Q8: ما هو شعور الطلاب عندما تمضى العطلة؟
شعور سيء. باقي أيام الأسبوع عليهم دراسة
Topic conversation 2: (4:31 minutes)
The teacher/examiner moved to the second conversation, giving a very clear distinction between the first topic and the second one by announcing.
"شكراً سننتقل الآن إلى الجزء الثالث والأخير من أجزاء الامتحان الشفوي، المحادثة الثانية. موضوع هذه المحادثة هو البيئة
The candidate successfully answered Question 1 and Question 2. The examiner then asked Question 3.
"متى كانت آخر زيارة لك للحديقة العامة؟ وكيف كان حال الحديقة؟"
This question allowed the candidate to use the past tense to talk about his last visit to the public park. The teacher/examiner asked both parts of the question and did not pause in between (the teacher/examiner should pause and wait for the answer to the first
part before asking the second part). The candidate briefly answered this question (الخميس وكان
البيئة سيئة جداً). The teacher/examiner could have encouraged a fuller response by asking an extension question such as “Tell me more”.
"من فضلك حدثني أكثر عن ذلك، كيف وجدت الحديقة؟"
The teacher/examiner moved to Question 4. When the candidate gave his opinion about things that harm the environment, the teacher/examiner could have asked him to clarify his answer instead of moving on to the following question without asking for explanation.
The teacher/examiner then moved to Question 5, which asked the candidate to talk about the future and things that he will do to protect the environment in his school
(ماذا ستفعل لتحافظ على البيئة في مدرستك؟). The candidate did not understand the question
(علينا أن نكون يداً واحدة. نحافظ على بيئة المدرسة.)
, so the teacher/examiner should have used the alternative question to give the candidate the opportunity to answer
instead of moving on by asking further questions.
The second topic lasted for 1:48 minutes, which is too short, so the teacher/examiner asked further questions (however the teacher/examiner should have asked no more than two questions). The second topic then overran.
Q1: نريد أن نكون جمعية من الشباب للحفاظ على البيئة. كيف يمكننا تكوين هذه الجمعية؟
.نجمع بعض الطلاب، ونعمل سوياً
ما دورك أنت في
الحفاظ على البيئة في الحي الذي تسكن فيه؟:Q2
الحي الذي أسكن فيه، إنه جيد جداً وكلنا نحافظ على البيئة. بيئة الحي
كيف علينا أن نعامل عمال نظافة البيئة؟:Q3
بالاحترام والتقدير. لأنهم يساعدونا على نضافة البيئة
ما هو الدور الذي تلعبه المرأة في المحافظة على البيئة الداخلية والخارجية؟:Q4
الداخلية تحافظ على نضافة البيت، ونضافة أولادها وهكذا والخارجية تساعد على
نضافة أكياس القمامة القمامة وهذا
هناك أدوات كثيرة تستخدم في النظافة وتنظيف الجو. اذكر لي مجموعة من هذه
كالمعطر. معطر الجو. يعطر الجو
Q5:ما هو الدور الذي تلعبه عاملات
النظافة في المدارس؟
تنضيف المدرسة بعد الطلاب يذهبون من المدرسة إلى البيت.
Q6:ما هي البيئة المثالية؟
أن يكون كل شيء نضيف
Candidate response
The candidate’s responses to the questions in the two topic conversations were rather short. The candidate responded satisfactory to some questions, communicating most of the required information. He occasionally gave irrelevant information, and
conveyed simple and straightforward opinions. He did not develop his ideas, justify or explain his answers.
He used some of the structures and the vocabulary in the syllabus satisfactorily despite some hesitation.
mark awarded = 8 out of 15
of Language mark awarded = 7 out of 15
Moderator comments (Whole test)
How the teacher/examiner
performance could improve
The teacher/examiner needs to listen carefully to the candidate’s answer for each question and acknowledge it. He should repeat the question once if it is not understood (in the role play tasks and the first two questions in the conversation section).
Regarding Tasks 3, 4 and 5 in each conversation, the teacher/examiner can repeat the question once only. If the candidate still does not answer, the alternative question provided should be asked and repeated once, if necessary, before moving to the next
question. The teacher/examiner also needs to encourage a fuller response by asking extension questions when necessary.
(من فضلك قل لي شيئاً أكثر عن ذلك)
If the topic conversation lasts fewer than 3½ minutes, even after asking extension questions, the teacher/examiner is allowed to ask no more than two further questions of his choice in the same topic. Questions should be open, not able to be answered
with “yes” or “no”.
How the candidate
performance could improve
The candidate must speak in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), respond
confidently to questions, ask for the question to be repeated if he/she
doesn’t understand it or did not hear it, communicate information which is
consistently relevant to the questions, develop ideas and opinions, justify,
and elaborate his/her answers and use a wide range of structures and
Total mark awarded = 25 out of 40