Topic outline

  • Cambridge IGCSE French 0520

    • Paper 2 Reading

      Exercises 1 and 2

      Understand the main points and key information in short simple texts

      Exercises 3 and 4

      Understand two short factual texts on a range of familiar, everyday topics and situations.
      Identify and select specific information, (factual information) and details.
      Identify and select main points, specific information and details in simple predictable texts.

    • Paper 3 Speaking

      Role play

      Take part in one short role play situation with five transactional tasks.
      Communicate on familiar topics to meet simple needs.
      Communicate using a range of structures, tenses (past, present and future) and vocabulary relevant to the given situation.
      Pronounce clearly so that the message is clear.

      Topic conversations 1 and 2

      Take part in two unprepared conversations on familiar topics. (The maximum time is four minutes for each conversation).
      Describe past events and experiences, opinions, hopes and ambitions.
      Give brief reasons of opinions and plans.
      Communicate with reasonable accuracy, using a range of structures, tenses (past, present and future) and vocabulary relevant to the given situation.
      Link shorter sentences into one connected sequence of points.
      Use ways to keep the conversation going.
      Pronounce and use speech patterns clearly so that the message is clear.
      Say as much as you can in response to each question and develop your answers.

    • Paper 4 Writing

      Question 1

      Communicate simple factual information by filling in a form providing simple details on a give topic.

      Question 2

      Write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple linking words on one familiar everyday topic.
      Use a range of simple vocabulary and language structures with reasonable accuracy.

      Question 3(a) or Question 3(b)

      Write one simple connected text (a connected sequence of points) on familiar topics.
      Describe past events and experiences, opinions, hopes and ambitions.
      Give brief reasons for opinions and plans.
      Communicate with reasonable accuracy using a range of structures, tenses/time frames and vocabulary relevant to the given situation.