candidate has produced a creative solution. They have identified a purpose for
a style guide however more marks could have been attracted where the candidate
indicated how this purpose could be communicated visually or digitally. The
candidate has made claims about the depth of their research, but these conclusions
are drawn from somewhat limited research. More insightful ideas could be gained
from a broader scope of sources. This would be rewarded in AO1.
gathered from the Internet or other sources should be referenced. More marks
would be attracted in AO1 and AO3 by clearly indicating how researched ideas contribute
to the candidate’s progress. Ideas about fashion and style are of interest to
the candidate and are the focus of this personal digital response, but they are
not a sufficient substitute for the candidate’s ideas about visual
communication. Most of the work is concerned with ideas about fashion rather
than the formal elements of design, which is what is required. This was
reflected in the marks awarded in AO2 and AO4.
marks would have been awarded in AO1 and AO2 if the candidate had worked
experimentally with different ideas and media. This would have provided the
candidate with a broader range of visual material to work with, and would also have
been good preparation for the formation of the style guide.
visual qualities of the final outcome are adequate, however, the work could
have been improved by further experimentation with layouts or informed by
exemplars such as the one recorded on the first page of the supporting studies.
This would be rewarded in AO4.
work would be improved by establishing a more convincing link between ideas
described in the text and the accompanying images. This would be rewarded in AO3.
In place of opinions, the work would be improved by evidence of testing ideas, applying
constraints or drawing comparisons from exemplars. Ideas could be tested, for
example, by seeking feedback from professionals or surveying the target
audience. The candidate has produced a significant amount of text but has not
used this in the final work, which has impacted the marks awarded for the work.
More marks would then have been awarded in AO2 and AO4, which requires a
selection of text to be used creatively to project the candidate’s ideas.
candidate has used some strong images, but the visual and creative potential of
these images could have been exploited further. Instead of a somewhat
indiscriminate selection of images from both photoshoots, the candidate could
have taken advantage of the best image(s) only.
creative development of the assignment could have been improved by employing a broader
range of activity. During photoshoots, for example, the candidate could have used
different viewpoints or locations, or taken stills from digital video. The
candidate may also have considered more disruptive or unusual activity such as
using instant photographs or using a masked model to emphasise the garments. A
stronger notion of cultural or social context would have attracted more marks
in AO3 and AO4.