candidate could have been clearer about their intentions from the start of the supporting
studies. They would have then been in a better position to measure their
progress against their ideas. The candidate achieved marks which were within
the Good and Confident bands in the assessment objectives, however more marks could
have been attracted to AO1 and AO2 in the “My Video Response” in the supporting
candidate would have benefited from a critical review of this work. Better use
could have been made of lighting, contrasts could have been made between
interior and exterior spaces, and a clearer sense of the physical environment
could have been established.
more marks in AO3 would have been attracted by an extended correspondence with the
fashion brand or other critical sources to provide a forum for testing and
candidate has experimented with the animation of some photographs. This could
have been more consistently applied and pursued in greater depth, in order to
obtain more marks.
candidate has produced a creative solution, however the preparation for the final
outcome would have benefited from a story board or other form of planning. Researching
locations to make informed decisions about backgrounds and visual impact would
have attracted more marks in AO1 and AO2. This could have provided the
candidate with more insight as they reflect on their choice of venue. Evidence
of briefing actors/models would also have attracted more marks in AO2 and AO3.
the candidate stated the concept they intended to develop and suggested a target
audience, more marks would have been attracted by a convincing critical
understanding of this audience.
assignment would have benefited from more research into the work of other digital
artists, filmmakers, or fashion photographers.
final outcome would also have benefited from a more succinct expression of visual
language and a more effective briefing of participants. A more concise editing would
avoid repeated or similar scenes. A firmer notion of cultural or social context
would have attracted more marks in AO3 and AO4.