Topic outline

  • Digital Media and Design overview

    Component 2
    Example Candidate Response - High
    • How the candidate could have improved

    • The candidate achieved high marks in each assessment objective. However, additional marks could have been awarded by a little more demonstration of critical understanding through testing and constraints (AO3). This candidate developed a concept through focused investigations and a mature analytical understanding.

      Where remaining marks were available, they could have been achieved by gathering feedback from a potential “client”, the store supplying the garments, or members of the target audience. This could then have been used to inform the final work.

      In the supporting studies, the candidate discussed the use of models during the photoshoot. The candidate could have used that opportunity to collect reactions or comments from these participants.

      The candidate made good use of the choice of Alexander Rodchenko for inspiration, and could also have considered other creative practitioners to investigate ways to develop ideas.