Week 1
1.1 Introductions
45 minutes
Update your course profile
Before you start, please check your course profile. Adding a photo will make the course experience more personal and friendly. If for any reason you feel uncomfortable to use a picture of yourself, use any picture that represents you. For example, a picture of your school. Updating your email and discussion forum settings will make sure that you receive all the notifications about the course.
- Add a picture of yourself
- Check your email settings
- Check your discussion forum settings
Note: you can find full technical instructions on how to do this in the course handbook.
Introduce yourself
Now, let's get to know each other better. Go to the Introductions thread in the Course café and post some information about you, your students and your school.
For example:
- Where do you teach? How long have you been teaching? What age groups do you teach?
- What type of school is it? How big is the school/classes?
- Do you have any interesting or unusual hobbies outside work?
Later in the week, have a look at your colleagues' posts and see what else you have in common, as well as teaching IGCSE Geography.