Learning Environment and Resources
Completion requirements
Enhancing your continuous provision across the year
It is beneficial to children’s learning and development for most continuous provision to remain across the whole year. However, you will want to enhance your continuous provision at different points across the year. This may involve adding resources to an area, removing resources from an area, or occasionally adding a new or temporary area.
You might decide to enhance your provision based on these suggestions:
Intention |
Resource Example |
To reflect a particular theme
For example, including pots, soil, seeds, watering cans, etc. in the nature area during a theme related to growing and caring for plants. |
To encourage exploration to progress learning and development towards particular learning statements
For example, adding a sorting area with natural and manufactured objects of different shapes, colours and sizes to support learning towards mathematics learning statements about sorting. |
To accommodate children’s current interests
For example, if a child, or children, in your class show an interest in vehicles, source and group books related to vehicles into a special box in your Library/reading area labelled with a picture of a vehicle, so children can explore them more easily during their child-initiated play. |
Look out for areas and resources that are not working well or which children do not choose often. Consult children about changes, to provide them with a sense of agency and valuable opportunities for discussion, planning and review.